Thank you! Hopefully someone who’s tried them will start a thread (not a hint).
Hey there I have heard both LX and Z1R and hold the opposite opinion from rock’s. I find that the Z1R comes closer to my sonic preferences because the mids aren’t quite as recessed. It works better for a lot of modern music that’s bass heavy with female vocals, or rap for that reason. Like rock said, bass is more textured on Z1R than LX, and I find it more tactile due to the subbass response, while LX to me feels bloated. Z1R treble is highly fit dependent. I get a comfy deep fit and the treble is extremely smooth and extended, but if I shallow fit the IEMs, it does become harsh, on the verge of sibilant. The best thing I can advise is for you to demo the Z1R. If you can’t deep fit it, you’re not going to get the sound that many are raving about. LX… Well even if I got a custom of it I can’t say I’d enjoy it nearly as much as I do the Z1R. For me it’s fundamentally flawed with its bass bleed, and a mid-range that I couldn’t even correct with EQ.
Hey guys,
I was wondering if anyone has compared the super litzs to the standard litzs on the Solaris? I am in the market for a 4.4 cable, and I really don’t want to spend the extra 100 if the gains are minimal or negligent.
Does anyone know if the Ohm ratting is the same?
@antdroid Hey, new to the thread here. Saw that you paired SR15 and Andromeda, with both outputs. I have Andromeda, and looking to get the SR15, would you recommend this pairing, and from which output, balanced or SE.
I also hate the memory wires on my Andro v2. Looking for cable upgrade. Any recommendations?
Any inputs from anyone are appreciated.
I was looking at the next step up, the SE100. I decided to give the Fiio M11 Pro a try instead for now.
However its lacking power for larger headphones, but honestly its an amp for my IEMs.
I can’t even tell which is which with mine. If I did, I could tell you.
I am sorry, you are talking about the Litzs cable?
Yea so the standard comes with the Andromeda and the Super comes with the Solaris.
You cant tell the diff? Have you put the Andromeda cable on the Solaris before?
Thank you very much for your input, I really appreciate your time.
Hi Rish,
I think the AK SR15 is pretty warm sounding, and I personally don’t think I’d like it with the Campfire Andromeda. I only spent a little bit of time with the two at the same time though. For me, I prefer the Andromeda with a player that has higher output impedance, something like 3 Ohms – to tame the bass down and elevate the upper mid-range and treble. I found the Pioneer XDP-300R or Onkyo DP-X1A to be a very good compliment to it using balanced cables. This is an older player though.
As for newer players, I currently use the DX160 which is also neutral-leaning and I think it would do well. I haven’t tested it with anything remote as sensitive as the CFA Andromeda though, so I can’t say for certain how it’ll behave in terms of noise.
There are folks I know who like the Andromeda with the WM1A player from Sony.
As for cables, I am not one that believes cables make a huge difference in terms of sound, if any at all – that is, except perhaps the Campfire Andromeda where it’s highly reactive to impedance in the chain. That said, I like some budget-ish cables from Yinyoo/Kinboofi – 16 core ones with the appropriate connector. It’s what I use on all my iems.
I only own Solaris which came with two identical looking cables. I assume one is litz and the other superlitz. Guess I’ll call them and ask.
Really yours came with two cables? Mine only came with one, interesting.
So, I can tell you the difference, one is thicker and the other is thin. The super litzs has a more spiraled wrapping of the cables after the split. The normal litzs cable is in a braid and is noticeably a different gauge.
Thanks for the info. So weird. These two cables are completely identical. I’ll follow up with Campfire.
Since, i, to be honest, am rather waiting for the SR15; because i ordered it already. Will IEMatch help the issue in sone way?
Also regarding Anole VX, will it pair good with SR15 or again better with less warmer DAPs.
OK, it’s Superlitz. Thanks.
Again, this is a personal preference thing. I think you should try it with the A&K SR15, since you have it coming already. Some people really do love it with the Andromeda. I know a few that used to use that combination.
An IEMatch would help a little bit too, but I find I only want to use it if there’s an actual noise issue. There is no hiss/noise with using the SR15. It’s pretty good and silent.
@TylersEclectic used to or still has the combination – Andromeda and SR15.
Yes, I still have both… I’m actually going to put the SR15 up for sale soon… I personally liked the combo, but I “upgraded” to the Cayin N6ii
I used both balanced and SE, but as I recall I used the iFi iEmatch with the SE output… and straight out of the balanced… but I can’t recall if it had noise issues out of the balanced out
In your far memory, do you remember IEMatch helping the sound? Is native SR15 bassy with Andro?
What have you upgraded to, as for transducer?
I just purchased the Solaris after spending about eight months exclusively using the FiiO FH7 and these are a completely different experience in every way even though to my ears they have a similar sound signature. Wondering if anyone has found the perfect tips for the Solaris. I’m currently using Medium SpinFits and I like them but I’m looking for another option. Maybe the Spiral Dot ++ or Dekoni Bullets. I’m also looking to cable swap the Super Litz with Effect Audio’s Maestro or Null Audio’s flagship copper cable for a bit more warmth and a 4.4 balance connection. If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations I’m all ears.
I need to order some different tips than the ones that came with the Solaris package. None of them make for a secure fit. I find them practically unusable for portable listening because they always fall out, and use them mostly at my desk because they sound incredible and it’s a more stable situation (or listening in bed on the laptop). I’m having a real love/hate experience with these.
Yea, I had the same issue more or less.
The Final Tips remove to much detail and the foam tips are not comfortable in my ears. The short ones they give you are god awful IMO.
I got the SpinFits 5MM bore. They seal great and they are comfortable too.
I have been meaning to try the spiral dots, but I cannot find them in XL or ever L.
Thanks for the suggestion. I really want to be happy with these, but so far haven’t been (aside from
the sound quality, which is really impressive).