Comfortable open headphones

I’m thinking about adding a nice open-back pair of cans to my collection. Most of the time I use either my Stellia or CA Andromeda, but I’m looking for something that’s more comfortable (or rather, differently comfortable) than those. I have the HD650 and HD6xx, but I’ve always wanted a pair of the HD800S since they’re light and exert less pressure on the head than Focals. The SR1a would work, but I probably shouldn’t spend $4k or add yet another box to the pile on my desk. Are there any others in the $1000-$1500 range I should consider?


Comfort reports form the Dan Clark (mr speakers) line are usually very positive.


I have a pair of Aeon Flow Closed. After an hour or two, they irritate my head. I usually switch between the Stellia and the Andromeda during the day, to give my head a break.

Agreed, DCA makes some of the most comfortable and lightest, yet extremely well performing headphones. Give the Aeon 2 Opens or Ether 2 a try for sure.

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Zmf Aeolus with the Pilot pad


Rosson audio are comfortable IF you don’t mind the weight - they are heavy. MEZE Empyrean are famous for their comfort.

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I have a blackwood Aeolus & despite its weight (blackwood is one of the hardest & densest of woods), it’s amazingly comfortable. ZMF’ headband + understrap system totally works.

I have an original AFO arriving today. Heard this at shows 3 years ago and found it to be rather light & comfortable. The earcups look like they’d be tight fit, but they’re not–they’re “ear-shaped” and fit perfectly.


I am still searching for some proper solution.

The issue is resolved now, thanks!

So I finally ordered the HD800S. I’ll report back once I’ve used them for a while.


HD800S is very comfy. Great headphones.

Definitely would like to heard your views of the 800S from an HD650’s owner trade-up perspective.

It’s been so long since I’ve listened to my 650s. The 800S are really nice, but I don’t find myself reaching for them as often as I thought I might: my CA Andromedas and Stellias are getting way more listening time. I’ve heard they’re really picky about amps, but I assumed my SPL Phonitor e would be good.

As a community many forget just how good the HD650’s perform especially for the $.

I put them on and instantly hear missing elements or differences; but about 30 seconds later all the benefits of the 650 are readily apparent.

Very interesting just how good a $250 headphone compares sonically to a $1200 headphone.

I can easily listen to the 650 or really any HD6XX headphones for hours with great enjoyment.

Very easy to recommend HD6XX to any person wanting their first hifi headset.