searched, didn’t find anything on this site.
So, what are your definition(s) of what is a… ?
‘basshead’ listener/preference in music.
‘basshead’ preference w/respect to different headphones/earphones specifically.
I’ve seen it said in countless internet discussions…it’s pervasive, but there doesn’t seem to be a universally accepted/definition.
Let me know, because it seems like I read this so much, but I don’t agree with most of the contentions…judging by what people are saying/writing.
It’s usually referenced with musical genre like hip-hop & rap, with alt/subgenre ‘dubstep’ & EDM. But those genre’s comprise of such wide/varying music production…well dubstep/SPL competition bass seems to be mostly very similar in type of bass reproduction.
I laugh when I see gen Z/Millenials say they listen to old-school hip-hop like Tupac, + a few others, because those are ‘before my time’/birth. So many other artists, ‘hip-hop’ like West Coast Rap never existed in their minds? It’s like saying I listened to old-school ‘rock’ and these can’s do the Stones/Who/Beatles/Led Zep really well, as if there were no other rock songs/LP’s in the '60s, '70s, 80s?
Gets worse for me when I see these cans do ‘hip-hop’ or EDM well…that’s not very helpful/virtually useless as is reference to tonality/timbre w/o specific time points in a particular song, name a particular song, specifically what instruments/musical passages you are referring to!
After I get some replies, I’ll post up my list of songs I use on/off for checking how a hp/ep sounds on those songs I particularly want to emphasize a passage/instruments, with specific time points in the song, reference to that specific area. & while I surely do like to read other’s opinions and listen to tracks they mention; I have my own favorites, if hp/ep doesn’t do well on that short list, couldn’t care less how well they do on other songs.
I should note, I also don’t care for ubiqitous simplistic generalizations(which I’m probably guilty of from time to time also)…what are you listening to now>Twitter? Hey man, you gotta listen to the new Tool album, just killer>well I did listen to those specific tracks & can’t see for the life of me why Tool is so highly regarded, other than they are ‘newer’
I’ll take The Cure ‘she sells sanctuary’,Bad Religion ‘infected’; maybe some older metal songs, in a heartbeat over Tool anything. Hope I’m not offending the crowds of Taylor Swift/Mylie Cyrus fans, and I hate Børk’s irritating high pitched singing voice, if I wanted high pitched female voice, I can think of many other that are far more satisfying- yet every1 & their mother seems to think Børk is along with Miriah Carey, the best singing voices you could possibly listen to. @vlad @the verge, headphone testing play list.
Want to see all of your far more experienced opinions, before I comment on what I don’t like about this ‘basshead’ description(s)/defintion?
Subtopic, how do you define ‘rumble’ or ‘slam’ …cause I have in mind the best musical, wonderfully deep rumble recording(no canon blasts), which is very old school 1960s, you could possibly hear + it’s almost impossible to find other than this specific low-defintion version on youtube…no, it’s not Link Wray, wrong decade