Headphone amp recommendations

First, the 789 becomes edgy, nervous, and unstable with the Clear. I find this match to be okay with mild genres (e.g., vocals, acoustic), but unpleasant with anything electric, fast, or energetic. So, your sense of image and space may be shaken/broken/disturbed by the also highly sensitive THX amp. I had a vague feeling of mis-timing/lack of synchronization with the 789. The Clear is way more calm and stable on other amps. In other threads @ProfFalkin has said similar things about this specific combo.

Second, there are limits to how much staging and depth is possible with headphones. Anything can do “3 blobs”, with most sound in the middle of one’s head and two more blobs on the left and right. When NOT USING the 789, I get a very defined and stable soundstage from the Clear. It’s actually a little forward of center too (about on the tip of my nose) versus smack dab in the middle of my head with Sennheiser HD-600s.

I suggest you read the RAAL-requisite threads on its ‘near near field’ presentation versus standard headphones. Some people on this forum indicate that it’s in another realm (no personal experience). If going for the ultimate… @TylersEclectic? @Torq?

Really, really test the Clear with something other than a THX amp…I might honestly prefer it directly from a PC, tablet, or phone…I will test…

I have no objections to anyone buying ZMF products or anything else they enjoy. And yes, ZMF is perhaps technically superior to most anything other than the RAAL. I just personally don’t want to invest in arty wood and non-audio stuff with headphones. If ZMF ever releases a Plain Jane studio edition I’d be more interested.