October 2, 2020, 4:36pm
Quoting myself, and an exchange with @darrellharwood :
The Clear is simply clear. It reproduces what’s in the source and adds little else. If I was still heavily gaming I might buy a dedicated set of headphones (AKG?) for quasi spatialization and leave the Clear alone.
Regarding the issues with the Clear THX AAA 789 pairing, I just tried my test playlist with the following Clear sources:
Loser (4th Place): THX AAA 789 – The main issue is that it grabs the attack phase of every note and exaggerates the intended volume. Even very clean and mild vo…
Also see the adjacent discussion with myself, @ProfFalkin , and others. The Clear is super fast and precise. The 789 is super fast and precise. Add these together and one hears a speed/timing profile that no one in production/mastering ever heard. To my ears even mild sources becomes unstable and edgy.
Edit - See this post too:
First, the 789 becomes edgy, nervous, and unstable with the Clear. I find this match to be okay with mild genres (e.g., vocals, acoustic), but unpleasant with anything electric, fast, or energetic. So, your sense of image and space may be shaken/broken/disturbed by the also highly sensitive THX amp. I had a vague feeling of mis-timing/lack of synchronization with the 789. The Clear is way more calm and stable on other amps. In other threads @ProfFalkin has said similar things about this specifi…