Some Sony lovin’ 
Sony MDR-V7
A fairly rare model. It’s got quite a good bass response; my favorite bass response of the Sony headphone monitors. The diaphragms of the drivers are made of what Sony calls “amorphous titanium” which I believe just means coated with titanium. Just a bit too lifted in the upper midrange and peaky up top. Honestly, they’re very reminiscent of the MDR-7506.
Measured on a MiniDSP EARS. HPN compensation.
Sony MDR CD900ST
Only sold in Japan though can be imported. My favorite tuning from the Sony headphone monitors. Quite a nice sounding midrange response.
Sony DR-S100 "Boodo Khan"
I believe these are supposed to replicate the acoustics of the infamous “Budokan” arena in Japan - whether or not it accomplishes that, I’m not sure. I’d say these are in “unobtainium” status due to its rarity and crazy sellers wanting crazy prices for them. They sound a lot like the MDR-V7 in FR. Though the driver even looks the same and I suspect that it is the same driver, without knowing the specs on these and if there’s any coating, there’s no real way of knowing if it’s the same driver. The front baffle is ever-so-slightly angled and the housing is much more roomier than on the V7. Though the FR is similar to that of the V7, the sound here seems to be a lot more “grand” and “bombastic” - whatever that means. I say that though when I got this pair, one driver was dead. I was hoping that it’s just because of corrosion in the cable but nope. I want to try to get a working pair someday and try some mods on them.
Measured on a MiniDSP EARS. HPN compensation.
Sony MDR-1AM2
Surprisingly very well-tuned, albeit, a bit boomy in the bass. Not the most resolving or detailed but is tonally very good. The driver is Aluminum-Coated LCP.
Measured on a MiniDSP EARS. HPN compensation.
Sony MDR CD1700
I thought I took better pictures of the front of the driver but I didn’t. The first picture is a timestamp of around when I sold the headphones. The treble response is surprisingly very smooth - I had expected a very bright treble response with the velour pads and all. The bass is surprisingly terrible… The front baffle has a rather large gap all around where it attaches onto the back housing (not like a bass port) which I imagine all of the energy in the bass escapes. Very upper-mid-centric sounding, and has what I think to be terrible acoustic design choices. I wish I had a 3D printer and try my hand at designing a new front baffle for the drivers.
Measured on a MiniDSP EARS. HPN compensation.