HEDD Audio HEDDphone - Official Thread

Hello and welcome @SonnyMarrow.

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Interesting, hopefully these do well enough that the technology evolves in the headphone space.

Welcome back.

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Can’t wait to get some Hedd! She gonna be on the curvy end.

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Said every man.


While the HEDDphone One is not the first to use AMT, they are the first company ever to introduce AMT drivers which use folds that vary in both width and depth, thereby varying the AMT specific velocity over the frequency range. This is Heinz Electrodynamic Designs proprietary technology called VVT® (Variable Velocity Transform), the first full range AMT driver to be released.


Got to correct myself. I was looking at a review of the Ergo AMT on Head-Fi and the reviewer gave me credit for selling the headphone to him (14/15 years ago). I can’t remember even owning them, so it’s safe to assume that the AMT didn’t make a lasting impression on me sonically. At least I did remember that Precide had made an AMT flagship headphone. I’m sure that HEDD has made technical improvements to the driver, and it’s impossible that they didn’t make improvements to the housing. Nevertheless, the AMT was a full-range AMT headphone 20 years ago. I hope that HEDD has made a better one.


Just about everything is better than the LCD4 though.

I have a huge head. It’s like an orange on a toothpick.

Almost all the headphones I really enjoy slope down, not up. Would you say these are tonally a treble focused headphone then?

Same treble quantity as Utopia? I hope not, as I found the Utipia to be fatiguing over moderate to long sessions.

I think I will have to demo these before purchase. They seem like a large departure from the sound I enjoy and comfort is probably going to be a problem. I could buy and return them, but I won’t abuse the headphones.com return policy.




Yeah they’re not that super warm and lush kind of thing. They are very ‘full’ and ‘rich’ sounding though still.

Regarding the measurements, keep in mind that’s the HEQ compensation (closer to Harman), it still slopes down slightly on HPN (probably more accurate for human hearing). I don’t find them as treble focused as the Utopia. This is a headphone that doesn’t really have an upper midrange/lower treble recession around 3-5khz (ignore the measurement artifact on the graph), the way that a lot of headphones tend to have so that may be a unique experience to some. But the main point of comparison is that the HEDDphone sits similarly between Harman and diffuse field tunings - so it’s slightly counter-clockwise tilted relative to the Harman target, but slightly clockwise tilted relative to a more diffuse field tuning.


Have a Auteur or Verite graph from the same measurement rig with those compensations?

It may be only by comparison that this information gains value.


It is. Actually if you look in the Verite thread I have my review there and it has some measurements as well.


Here’s a quick first impressions video, I’ll do a full review video next week once I’ve had more time with it.


Pre-ordered. Looking forward to hearing them.


Can’t wait for the full review! I was so set on the Verites for awhile but decided to wait on these and I’m glad I did.


Thank you for this sir! I’m an admitted soundstage and detail junkie. This little snippet just got me excited. Now, I will no longer waffle over my decision to preorder.


Sooo… for clarification purposes…having met you a couple times now… you are not a “small” dude… so the perspective of you actually “Man-handling” these HEDDphones on camera… “damnmmmmm Gina!” Dat a big headphone son!

But… to be fair I’ve been known to put odder shaped things than these on my head​:face_with_monocle::nerd_face::laughing:

Looking forward to the full review! And hopefully hearing these bad boys in person!

Oh maybe last weekend in January I might head up to Vancouver with the fam…, @andrew @taronlissimore maybe if I still have the Schiit Jotunheim R we can do a comparison of the two? @Resolve and possibly hand off the Pendant and my VC if you are interested.


Haha yes, and this was actually recorded at 35mm (50mm focal length equivalent), so no distortion to make my hands look… bigger.

The HEDDphone is indeed a beast.


“I have Hugge hands…the hugest!! Do these look like small hands” Lol sorry



Absolutely Yuge!

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I wonder if I’ll sell off must of my collection. I’m always switching headphones and it gets tiring.