Just got a chance to do some measurements on the Susvara. I still have lots more to do so this is just the preliminary result:
This is my favorite headphone for a reason. Not only does it have top tier detail and microdynamic ability, but it’s also got solid macro contrast, along with being reasonably spacious. All of this is underscored by the fact that it’s super comfy to wear! Something that can only be said about one other planar in this tier - the Abyss Diana Phi with DMS pad mods. The tradeoff there is that the Diana Phi could use some tuning adjustment around 10khz (and maybe a few other places), and the Susvara absolutely nails it.
So far… this is the best sounding headphone I’ve heard. I think you could find other headphones that do one thing or another better - like HD800s is more spacious, and HE-6 slams harder… but this is the complete package in my opinion, where the rest have a compromise in one area or another. Of course it costs a crazy amount… so they probably know that.