Hisenior Mega5EST: Task Failed Successfully

You can really just cut a bit of 5.8 kHz and you’ll basically be there, afaik. Try cutting 3-4 dB with a Q of 3 and see what you think.

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DMS did this and concluded he preferred the original version. I’m waiting for him to send it to me but I already thought the original had a bit much treble for me, so more was not needed :smiley:

That said, I agree people should focus on their listening enjoyment.


I did over 20 trials in an A/B blind test, with a 5.8kHz -3dB Q3 filter and found that I actually preferred the revised version significantly more, with it making out 76% of my preferred picks. So I definitely agree that people should focus on listening enjoyment instead of blind cancelling or returning their units.



I have the regular Mega5Est, and out of curiosity I am wondering if it is possible to EQ this into what is the revised version they ran for a short while. I would like to save it as an EQ profile. I’m seeing the frequencies mentioned in this thread, but I don’t really know how I should EQ if I want to do the opposite of an EQ… does anyone know what I should set?

Do I set my 5.8khz to +3-4dB at Q3 then? Or how would this work.

Thanks in advance.

What is the difference between Mega5EST and Mega5EST Bass? I keep seeing reviews for the latter, but don’t see them listed for sale anywhere online. Are these a phantom or am I looking in the wrong place?

Just Recieved

DMS was right , this one has every quality to be hyped

Huh, I guess no one knows this. :expressionless:

It’s for sale at HiSenior, it’s called the Anniversary Edition

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Thank you. :slight_smile:


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7th anniversary edition with “OG tuning” owner here. It is not the “bass” edition, at least by default. Check the head-fi thread, it may shed some light on the weird marketing games of Hisenior.