References…no one understands tinnitus very well. For me I think it follows from neural fatigue – see the Do your ears ring? thread. Also see my and other comments about the need for magnesium as a neural transmitter.
For fatigue I rank order my DACs as follows:
- Bifrost 2 – Minimal fatigue but limited ‘air.’ It’s not warm so much as rich and layered in the middle. It becomes faintly grainy and rough but doesn’t whine.
- Burr-Brown – Tuned for mid range richness, but has a bit of “lightbulb buzz” that gets worse over time.
- AKM4490 – Lots of smoothed air, but some setups routinely whine.
- ESS Sabre – Ouch. Faint but constant whines.
- TI PCM5102 – Useless. Loud whines all the time.