iFi Audio - Official Brand Thread

It will be at CanJam NY. They’ll also have our demo HEDDphone at the booth so it will be well worth checking out their booth!


intersting you think about replaceing the NiBL because of driving power or just for looks?

the Cayin N6ii won´t push some harder to drive hf (HEDD) to the least % of full potential, from what I read.
Not sure, if the Hip can develop the needed current or a xCAN + your DAP stacked balanced is the way to go for this very special situation


More as just a new shiny lol

I love the Nano BL for its emergency use as a DAC/amp or as a portable one that I keep in my bag.

I need to research this lol guy and see what the difference between the two are.

But, in reality I’m completely happy with my N6ii for a portable music solution!


I’m hoping there’s also a new midrange amp announced by then :pray:t6: … something to replace the old micro-iCAN SE. My work desk is waiting for it.

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I’m hoping for an all in one solution with balanced, streaming, and tube.

Just received the iFi Hip Dac today, so far so good ! I plan to use that little dac/amp at work with IEMs (U12t and Solaris mostly), and I quite like the pairing with both. It definitely does not have the most detail out there, but it’s pleasant sounding. It does not hiss much (just a little bit) with the U12t (both outputs), but it sadly does so on the Solaris (more on the 4.4mm, but still present out of the 3.5mm). It is a nice little unit overall, I feel like it’s a winner, especially for the price !


hmm interesting that iFi, the company partially known for their IEMatch, has hiss. :slight_smile:

This little dac/amp looks super cool. I am definitely interested in one. Thanks for the write up!


Interesting for sure. The Solaris is a very picky IEM, so I’m not that surprised though. It hissed out of a lot of sources I’ve tried.

I’m really excited to hear about IFI’s new DAC and AMP. looks like the Zen DAC/AMP but its 2 separate boxes. Made in cooperation with Drop, its supposed to be a great fit for the 6XX. The amp even has a special EQ setting just for the 6XX:

Check out video for what the EQ does:

Zeos already has a review of it:

I’m very curious about this amp. thinking about buying the 6XX and this amp. Amp is 249$ DAC is 219$. You can connect them balanced but its 4.4 balanced. I have the HD600 which the EQ feature works well with also as Zeos said in his review. Is the DAC necessary for the EQ feature? I would rather just get the amp. I have a RNHP amp and Bifrost.

I think you just need the amp…curious what your thoughts will be if you get it…

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Trouble in paradice lol. Max Settings reviewed ifi drop 6xx amp and he definately put a damper on me wanting to buy it. His review was a little more objective and he did some good comparisons. check it here:

He found a good 4.4 male to male patch cable for it for about 20$ here:


Yeah, his review language and style has gotten a lot better! Good review!

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Your Favorite YouTube reviewers

Hey folks!

Just wanted to say a formal hello from the iFi team.

I’ll be your direct line of support here - please don’t hesitate to @me (I am human, so I will miss stuff) if you or someone else here needs technical support/general advice.

As a team, we look forward to bringing more of a presence here in general! We know a lot of you are big fans.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out!



Welcome. I have one of your iDefenders on order now. I wish there were a model that had lightning connectors in and out instead of USB-A.


Thanks for letting me know! Giving us feedback like that is among the best things you can do whenever you want to/are going to pick up a product for us. We generally keep track of everything more or less and you never know where your feedback could go, sometimes it might end up in a new product!

Let me know what you think of it when you get it in.


The iDefender+ did not solve my problem, although it may have slightly reduced the noise. I think the noise is a ripple. The chain I’m listening to is very specific. I can make the noise go away by swapping an external battery for a plug-in USB charger. I’ve tried 3 brands of chargers, and got some noise reduction with an Apple charger. You can find a detailed discussion under troubleshooting, iPad Hum.

I’m still trying to figure out what to do. I like iFi products, and you’ll see that I’ve reviewed my xDSD here. I have inquired on your support site about power supplies / USB Chargers. Your iPowerX does not seem to work as a USB charger. Topping has the P50, which might fill the bill, and I’ve seen a few USB power supplies for Raspberry Pi. Alternatively, I have been looking at a larger portable external battery.

Basically, I’ve got some hum that appears in my Audeze LCDi3 when I try and run them off an iPhone or iPad, and add in charging at the same time. Under certain circumstances.

The iDefender+ is, however a nicely designed device, and I’ll be keeping it in my arsenal.


Thanks for reaching out to us on our support end @pennstac!

The team that handles our support there will be in touch with you soon if they have not already to get to the root of your problem with the hum - a ticket will be opened for you, nothing you need to do on your end!


So… I have a bit of a conundrum going on here.

I bought the iFi Neo.

and… uhh…

I already have the ADI DAC 2 fs, Bifrost 2, Yggy A2U. I’m just sitting here looking at the unopened iFi box from Amazon, thinking to myself that if I open this, try it, and don’t care for it, then I’m going to get hit with a return policy restocking fee… and I don’t really want to review it now anyway, because I just don’t see me keeping it. Reviewing it is the only reason I bought it. Kinda dumb of me I guess.

I don’t need half it’s features in the role my ADI fills. It doesn’t have the EQ the ADI has anyway. I wouldn’t use it to replace the BF2 probably. It’s sure not going to fill the Yggy shoes. I just don’t need another DAC.

My local friend, who’s ears I trust, has had it. Says he liked it quite a bit, but doesn’t have it right now for me to try (I wouldn’t be able to stop by and test it myself anyway, thank you covid…). Might have been a loaner unit, I don’t know.

I had heard it’s not as “colored” sounding as the normal BlurredBrown iDSD Nano Black Micro Label ProZen whatever stuff… So that really had my interest peaked.

I’m also very much NOT a fan of abusing return policies as means to demo gear.

So… Open it and risk it, or just ship it back? What would you guys do?


It’s only money. What if you really, really like it? What if it’s you’re very favorite.
I still think about the girl in college that I could have tried but didn’t because I saw myself becoming a conduit for an endless line of Brazilian immigrants.

Don’t have regrets.