Looking for the most comfortable over-ear headphones under $600

Im new to this forum and this is my first post. i was not aware about this.

Thank you all. :slight_smile: looking forward to buy the HD 600 then. really loved the sennheiser brand. i instantly fell in love with Sennheiher PX 200ii and it was one of my fav headphone.


I would throw in the Audeze LCD 1, for comfort- as the already mentioned Sennheiser headphones are a bit strong on the clamp-force.
The 1’s pads could be a bit small for some people with rather long/high ears, though. The pads could get warmish with long sessions.
It is lightweight and quite well build. My audition was a few months ago, so take this with a grain of salt.
It has not the typical Audeze house sound and is quite easy to drive.

So maybe another option for you:
Verum 1 seems to be quite comfortable, from what I read and swapping pads with this one, will change the sound by a solid amount, if I remeber correct, though it won’t become the flattest frequency response.

or the sub 350$ king for sound… Sundara, if the fit is good with this one it is… ehhmm… good

you are going to find all named options in different threads on this forum. So please feel free to use the search function

Have a great time Sunil


That headphone won’t sound good out of an iPhone, it is extremely finicky and has funky dynamics that need to be under the control of either a pricey high-end DAC/HAMP or much more affordable software DSP that make it sound neutral much like the Clear, then it’s certainly a great deal. But on its own, eesh! You get deep bass and killer looks but the rest is a wild ride.Reviewers lauded it because they had sophisticated equipment to properly drive the then thousand-dollar cans, not what the average audiophile can afford.

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