So this morning I did something Grado should have done decades ago, I now have the ability to use 3rd party cables on my sr60’s. I have owned my sr60’s for close to 25 years and I was tired of lugging around the telephone pole sized cable, so after a quick purchase off EBay for some short MMCX connectors, I went to work.
That felt liberating…
After I used my wife’s hairdryer to loosen the glue and separate the cups, I cleaned out any glue residue and cut the driver wire to about a 2 inch length. I drilled new holes to accommodate the MMCX connecter (the connector is a lot smaller in diameter than the stock cable holes. Trust me, don’t try to find washers to use, just drill the holes). The hardest part is the soldering but after basically making one connector useless with too much solder, I got the hang of it and is wasn’t too bad. If your eye sight is bad, it might be rough. I have some magnifying glasses I use when I work on watches (another hobby) that made the soldering a lot easier. Final test was connecting my new LG V20 with the MMCX I use for my Monolith M300’s and with a sigh of relief, we had sound.
With a nice 16 core MMCX cable (a rather nice blue color) on its way, this was a mod I should have done years ago. If you decide to mod your Grado’s, my suggestion is take your time. It isn’t difficult. For about 2 hours in time and about $8 in MMCX connectors, this is a no brainer for Grado-holics like myself. If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask! Good luck!