Hi all. Here are my thoughts about this really cool headphone in it’s modified form. I took off the wooden cups and replaced them with open grilles, converting the headphone into open backs, and this significantly improved the sound quality. I wasn’t a fan of the headphones’ sound in stock form with the wooden cups as I found it allowed for a peak in the upper midrange, which was harsh for me. I also replaced the headband as the original was not the most comfortable and felt loose on the head. I found a pretty cool one from AliExpress that fit the bill and worked great on the headphones. Installation was kind of tricky though and an extra pair of hands is what helped me get through the process. Lastly, I replaced the earpads which also bumped up the headphone experience in the comfort department. I used the Dekoni Audio Audeze LCD Series - Elite Velour pads. Good feel and very comfortable. The result was a great sounding headphone that is very comfortable for me and all in all, not too much money when compared to other Planar Magnetic Headphones. I enjoy this headphone with no EQ too! It honestly has a very similar sound profile to Monoprice’s flagship M1570 offering, one not being better than the other, rather having a different presentation in the midrange, but still retaining similar overall tonal balance. I found the mids to be slightly more forward on the M1060C Modified, while the M1570 has a slightly wider soundstage. I found these to be the most noticeable differences in my listening but they are so subtle! Another thing to consider is if you’re a little rough with gear, you’ll probably have more protection to the drivers in stock form with the M1570, but also not having to fiddle around with modifying the headphone as the M1570 is a solid offering in both categories of sound and comfort right out of the box. The M1570 is the pricier headphone however, which brings me to another point. Monoprice offers great sales so be on the lookout! I find these headphones to sound far more pleasing to me than the HIFIMAN Sundara, which to me, has leaner bass and more edginess in the treble region, which to be fair, can always be corrected with EQ to some degree. I found this worth mentioning as the Sundara is in the same price range as the M1060C. It is important to note, however, that everyone has different sound preferences and one might prefer the Sundara over the M1060C Modified. To my ear the M1060C Modified has a more warm sound signature where the Sundara has a more analytical vibe to them. I tend to fall in line with more warm sounding headphones. After modifying the M1060C, I never found the sound harsh or fatiguing but rather very enjoyable! Happy hunting everyone! I hope you found this post informative and helpful!
[https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006927889113.html?pdp_npi=4%40dis%21EUR%21%E2%82%AC%2049%2C10%21%E2%82%AC%2044%2C70%21%21%2150.45%2145.93%21%402101c59817403695602804968eeca2%2112000038751157582%21sh%21IE%210%21X&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allItems_or_groupList.new_all_items_2007586021102.1005006927889113](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006927889113.html?pdp\_npi=4%40dis!EUR!€%2049%2C10!€%2044%2C70!!!50.45!45.93!%402101c59817403695602804968eeca2!12000038751157582!sh!IE!0!X&spm=a2g0o.store\_pc\_allItems\_or\_groupList.new\_all\_items\_2007586021102.1005006927889113](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006927889113.html?pdp_npi=4%40dis!EUR!€%2049%2C10!€%2044%2C70!!!50.45!45.93!%402101c59817403695602804968eeca2!12000038751157582!sh!IE!0!X&spm=a2g0o.store_pc_allItems_or_groupList.new_all_items_2007586021102.1005006927889113)) For the Headband, I would contact the seller and ask him which specific band would fit the M1060C and looks like the one in this link as that was what arrived in my package. On AliExpress, the one labeled compatible for the M1060C is an Audeze style headband, which was what I ordered and received the other style you see in the link and finished project I posted here. I’m actually happy I received the latter as it looks and feels quite nice on my head