Music and drink pairings

Drinking this while listening to this:

and this, my ADHD meandering journey through eclectic music :wink: :




I do like Larceny! I was just thinking I should grab a bottle for my collection lol

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Chroma key and Black lemon Tea.

Mellow. :slight_smile:

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Dalwhinnie 15yo + Tanchjim Oxygen + JDS Labs The Element
I can’t remember what I was listening to though…


I like the Dalwhinnie 15. It’s getting a little pricey these days, but was a regular in my EDD (every day drink) collection a decade ago.


My dad picked up a bottle right before the tariffs hit and was gracious enough to share.

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My typical drink while listening to music/ gaming is a Kentucky mule:

If I am in more of a sipping mood its usually one of these!


The Lagavulin goes exceptionally well with jazz :wink:


I’m working through a Lag16 right meow!

Also Kentucky mule is a staple of mine as well! I usually go with Bundaberg diet(have to watch that girlish figure of mine!) ginger beer! F’s to the delicious :yum: :drooling_face:

Hmmm never seen the calumet bourbon…I’ll have to keep an eye out for it!


Very nice! The Lag16 is one of my special occasion, chill and listen to an album drinks… i say special occasion but its been getting drank much more frequently lately lol

I usually use cock and bull for my ginger beer… tastes great and most places carry it!

I actually received the calumet as a gift but have seen it in total wine and more from time to time! well worth picking up!


I hate to be the buzz killer here, but alcohol ruins hearing. I’ve seen it professionally and with some of my counterparts, as I’ve worked in the Audio industry since 1994, and most recently in hearing conservation.

Too many of my good friends can no longer hear the details in the music…this is at 40-60 years old—I plan on enjoy audio well into my 80s, as my grandfather did.

Too many young Millennial friends drinking to excess multiple times a week…two of them helped gather data on a study about alcoholism and hearing loss.

I like to drink alkaline + water at room temperature when critically listening to audio, or headphones.


What? What’s that you say? Eh? I CAN’T HEAR YOU.
Gotta stop pouring Southern Comfort in my ears.

I suspect more damage from loud concerts and other exposure to loud noises. Not saying that alcohol might not play a role. But if I get to choose my poisons, I’ll choose alcohol in moderation.

Is there a scale of bad habits that can show relative damage? Or even good habits that have unintended consequences?


A scale of bad habits is a great idea…I’ll have to check.

Yes, prolonged exposure to noise is most likely worse than alcohol.

I wear short foam ear plugs daily for the last few years and only take them out when I am home alone and ready to listen to music—after wearing them for hours and taking them out is quite refreshing. I wish I would’ve done this 30 years ago, as I would’ve lessened any hearing loss I’ve been exposed to.


… a cold glass of water with a touch of lemon pairs nicely with avant-garde jazz ;3

Also I’m envious, loud noises irk me. Like anything north of 95 or so, also I can’t handle anything touching the inside of my ear! not IEMS or Ear Plugs. Those soundproof muffs/over ears work nice but they not at all practical

It maybe also down to inhibition due to drink that leads to too much volume. Just another thought to throw in. Though I think I shall still continue my tople of an occasional Southern Comfort.


as teen my best buddy and I stole a bottle of southern comfort out of his mothers bar
the first and worst time - we drank way too much of this
so the moment I think of it, I can smell and taste it
have a similar thing with tequilla and slivovitz going on - haha


Haha we’ve all been there. Vodka does the same to me.

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Jose Quervo… I grew up being “manly” with my best friend where we would take a 1/5th and go shot for shot until the bottle was done…then we would go “party” needles to say drunken debauchery was to be had…and the results are I can only handle higher end tequila or sipping tequila…even then I would rather have a whiskey… =) or a rum…


Ok so I have to try higher end Tequila?


…only if you don’t mind some hearing loss :wink: but I do find sipping tequilas to be pretty good…but like all things it depends on your taste lol…I would def try at a bar and not buy a whole bottle lol.

Also…life is short…experience it :wink:

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