.... or THESE?

Jumping on the “… or THESE” meme bandwagon. What are “these” for you?

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I’ll go first:

$1400 or MEST? #THESE
(shout-out to @TylersEclectic , you get the reference, right?) :smiley:

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THESE is the reason I’ve been having bad dreams lately.


This is funny… “I get it!” :wink: I might change the topic title if you don’t mind…to something more appropriate… like Gear that completes you… or maybe gear that makes you go ahh… lol

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Haha. Yes, please do. Frankly, I was having a tough time coming up with an apt title and started laughing in my head everytime I heard the way Z said it with the hand gesture.

PS. Awesome episode that one - the last Audiophile Anonymous. Have a great week :).

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I don’t usually get exited about threads but… THESE?