While traveling in England just now, I noticed that the Chord Dave was priced very differently in the US and the UK. In the US, the asking price is now $14,000, and that is before taxes. In the UK, the asking price seems to be £10,000, and that includes VAT. While some of this difference is likely due to the strong dollar, that can’t explain all of the huge gap. I also suspect import duties does not account for that much of the difference.
Well , it makes sense that it would be somewhat cheaper being a British product but that is a very big difference. I see it listed on AudioSanctuary for 8,329£ !!! That’s almost 40% off of the price here😲
See the recent trend chart for the pound versus US dollar:
Your price observations make perfect sense, as the pound fell from $1.40 USD to close to $1.00 USD over the last year. MSRPs reflect currency exchange rates at some point in time.
Furthermore, when a manufacturer sells products for lower prices in a foreign country they are said to be engaged in “international trade dumping” – many historical economic wars and issues here.