RAAL-requisite HSA-1a - True Ribbon Headphone & Speaker Amp - Official Thread

Yeah. The price of the combo is $7100

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The combo not available for order anymore. It was put up prematurely. Headphone is in stock though.

Likely for retailers to get rid of the HSA-1a in preparation for the release of the HSA-1b.

It was on the RAAL site, not a retailer. It was just a choice in the drop down menu for ordering the SR1 that was activated prematurely.

But yeah, it’s being replaced by the the HSA1b. The first run of which is about 60% sold out already according to RAALrequisite.


Any idea what changes are planned?


It’s largely a disambiguation over the original HSA-1a (that had two outputs for the SR1a) and the “updated” HSA-1a - which has one SR1a output and one output for driving conventional headphones (as seen here). As I understand it, it is also being re-certified so it still has appropriate regulatory compliance.

The “updated” HSA-1a shipped with an adapter cable that lets you use the SR1a output with hard-to-drive cans like the Susvara, and I assume that’ll continue to be the case with the HSA-1b.

Nothing I’ve heard from any relevant source suggests any other internal/spec/performance changes. I’ve seen one posted rumor about a different volume control.

Price has supposedly increased by $505.


I was asked not to share the brochure they sent me so I wonder if it is the final version.

IF the diagram on the brochure is the final version there are some changes.


Hahahaha…let me gather the “HSA-1a unite” to flood your inbox requesting that brochure…Lol

I don’t think there are any changes that will make you regret having bought the HSA1a unless you really want the conventional headphone options.

I would hope they continue to offer the upgrade to the outputs on the original versions. Seems like the right thing to do.

I have the “upgraded” HSA-1a so as most current owners. I was just wondering if there was a change to internal components which I doubt but will wait to see.


They’ll probably answer any questions you have if you ask directly.

They answered mine and I’m just a customer.

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That’s too bad. More money for my speaker rig…


Precision 24-Step Attenuator for Rock-Solid Left/Right Balance, at all listening levels.


Per the linked diagram (assuming it is what actually ships), that’s a rather useful update to the previously “updated” HSA-1a.

The amplifier itself seems to be unchanged (i.e. no difference in the raw amplifier circuit, so sound quality/performance is fundamentally unchanged). That’s good for existing customers.

Moving the step-baffle compensation switch (SR1a/HP) to the front makes a lot of sense given the ability to drive conventional headphones (that don’t need the compensation). Much easier to use with both SR1a and normal cans if you need to rack the unit.

Adding the 1/4" TRS output is also a useful touch, since it’s generally not safe to make that conversion from a 4-pin XLR socket.

My only potential concern is the use of a 24-position stepped attenuator. Having used amplifiers (like the GS-X Mk2) with the 22-position DACT stepped attenuator, I have consistently found them to either:

  • Not had sufficient range of attenuation.

OR …

  • Not had suitably granular levels of attenuation (i.e. can’t reliably find the “right” volume level … often just a bit too quiet or a bit too loud).

I wouldn’t mention this, if it were not for the fact that it’s a) been a consistent issue with 22/24 position attenuators* and b) I’ve not experienced any audible channel imbalance with the current HSA-1a with either the SR1a or any of the many conventional cans I have in my collection.

All that said … I can see putting my “updated” HSA-1a up for sale and switching to the HSA-1b simply because I’m somewhat OCD about having the latest/most-current hardware.

SQ-wise, I don’t imagine there will be any difference at all …

*My primary headphone amplifier has a 42-position stepped attenuator and even that isn’t always quite granular enough given the range of source material and headphones it has to deal with.


I did not leak this. Just to be clear.

That being said; there is a change to the power bandwidth on the specs. I have no idea if it’s significant at all. Anyone?

The SR1a spec says:
10Hz(-1dB) – 100kHz (-2dB)

While the new spec says: 100kHz (-3dB)

What it does at 100 kHz is largely immaterial … since you’re not going to hear anything past 20 kHz anyway.

If the delta was linear back to 20 kHz, it’d be WELL below audible thresholds (and probably desirable anyway - the SR1a doesn’t need more HF energy). If the delta was constant back to 20 kHz it’d still be just audible … IF the music/signal involved actuall had any content at 20 kHz in the first place (unlikely).

So … all in all … immaterial. Well spotted … but immaterial.


Thanks for all the input. By the way a 24 step attenuator with preamp added in the chain would be nice.

I’m missing your point. It’s on Raal’s official website, everyone has access to it.

No problem then! I was sent a copy last week and asked not to show it to anyone.

Obviously that has changed if it’s up on the site.