RME ADI-2 DAC fs - Official Thread

The idea of getting a Loki isn’t a bad idea.


finally “amber” as choice for the displayed live EQ Colour - from what I rember out of the video

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needs more “purple” :wink: RME actually responded to my comment on their video with the same words with a thumbs up and a like…so…what you’re saying is, their is hope for a purple colorway!!! Illuminati confirmed!!! lol :wink:

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I see a clear confirmation- absolute obvious
Will choose YOUR color sheme first the moment I get the RME in my hands
By the way- I already had it in my hands while I auditioned the BD DT 1770 at “Just Music” in munich
But it was so out of my budget at the time- now I see me driving to this store one day in early december with fresh Euros in the hand. There is no way around the Adi 2 for me. It’s only a matter of timing
Had a big 3 day photo job 2 weeks ago and a new fat planned long time partnership with a house bulding company our best friend is head of for drone footage
So this budget would be planned naturally one year ago for new camera Equipment- but now…
Aoelous/Bottlehead Crack/RME ADI 2 - all is in the plan.
Next interesting Canon full frame mirrorless will come in 2020 - so why save up for bad times :wink:


this is a great dac and tinkering toy. and if it had purple display, it’d be even more amazing. and i’d have to consider getting another one.


Hi, I’m interested in getting one of these. Does anyone know what size I’d need for the Focals?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Interested in getting an ADI-2DAC? They come in one size fits all headphones with SE jacks…so your Focals should work no problem… :wink:


LOL:) sorry, I meant the headbands for the Focal

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Trying to decide if I’m going back to an ADI-2 DAC from the Pro FS for the remote functionality. I sold my Phonitor XE to get better speakers and the remote volume would be nice.

EDIT: Not going to for now. The added functionality is useful sometimes. I already miss the Phonitor XE. Best solid state amp.


Another new firmware update … minor stuff, but just keeping things current.


Still no purple meters… :thinking: :smirk:


I bet they are in the next non-DSP update. So easy for them to do (as long as they have the space in FLASH).

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I hope so! That would be super cool of them!!

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Looks like the global back-order for the RME ADI-2 DAC fs was down to them releasing a revised version. The new unit has a different remote control (more controls) and swaps the AK4490 DAC chip for an AK4493.

No idea if the price will change, or when they’ll start shipping - nor how one will tell which unit you have, as the naming seems to remain the same …

The new remote can be used with the old units (and is available to buy separately), provided you’re on the latest firmware.

And this makes me think the current $500 discount on the Pro version heralds an updated ADC and DAC on that come Q1 next year …


I am really impressed with RME and my RME ADI-2 DAC, there level of support is crazy good. I am ready to sell my THX789 and Airist R2R to buy another.


So I’m a bit torn on this one. I have a THX AAA 789 as my main (and only) amp right now, with a Topping D50 as the source. I want to switch to a balanced DAC in preparation for the Verite C coming in the next couple of months, and I have been eyeing the ADI-2 DAC to serve that need.

Price has been a major consideration for me, and I have 3 very high performing options that I’m weighing:

  1. RME ADI-2 DAC ($1099)
  2. SMSL SU-8 V2 ($220-ish)
  3. SMSL M500 ($400)

The only big feature I understand enough about and want in the RME is the Parametric EQ. I have read about other features, and I either don’t care or don’t know enough about them to get excited.

So if I mainly care about sound quality and can get way better parametric EQ out of Roon, are there any features that make the RME ADI-2 DAC worth the price above the other 2?


A DAC being balanced doesn’t really make much difference unless you’re dealing with electrical/radio/magnetic interference or ground loops, or very long cable runs between DAC and amp.

It’s much more important to have separate grounds for each channel on the headphone amplifier (which you have with the THX AAA 789 regardless of whether you feed it a single-ended or balanced signal).

Objectively … no.

Subjectively … maybe.

But the same is true vs. your current DAC and the SMSL options you’re listing.

Them being balanced will not result in any audible improvement in your setup, unless you have the afore mentioned electrical issues.


Thanks for that input. So I will probably be better served just testing out the VC with my setup as is and then making an upgrade decision later.

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You’ll need to spend significantly more to get a better overall amplifier (and “better” might just mean you “like it more but it is not technically as accurate”).

And differences between competent DACs, absent actual issues*, are very small, often on the fringes of audibility, and SE vs. Balanced isn’t usually the deciding factor there.

It’s always a good idea to only change one thing at a time when looking at upgrades. Assess the results. And then see what/where you want to go from there.

*For example, I find I do not like the D50 at all with Spotify content unless the D50 is set to -3 dB on it’s internal volume control. Otherwise it’s no better or worse than either SMSL unit from a “what’s actually audible perspective”.


Makes sense. Technical question on the AAA 789. Will the 4 pin XLR out still function as a balanced out, on a balanced cable, if the input is SE? Or am I limited to using the 1/4 SE out? That may be a deciding factor as well.

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