RME ADI-2 DAC fs - Official Thread

Yes, the balanced output on the THX AAA 789 will work properly as a balanced output regardless of whether you feed the amp with a single-ended or balanced signal, so no worries there.

I used to do that with the Airist R-DAC/AAA 789 all the time.


I’ve been fighting the urge to upgrade from thx 789 and smsl su for the rme adi-2 because of that EQ with rme and that sexy display. But with my $200 smsl, I have remote and it’s way capable already. Fighting the “ooo that might be cool”


The RME ADI-2 DAC fs is fully remote controllable … :wink:


After joining the Focal Stellia club this week, I need to bury my wallet so I can’t reach it or block this forum like its nsfw content.


I’m a little overwhelmed by all the optional settings on my RME ADI-2 DAC…filters, EQ, loudness, and crossfeed. And the instruction manual can be confusing too. Is there a dedicated topic here for the RME? Or does anyone have an internet link where the RME features are covered well? Thanks in advance if you can help me.

The RME does have a lot of options and settings and the menu system can be a little daunting, but playing around with it while consulting the manual really helped me a lot but it does take a couple hours of messing around to get the hang of it.


You can check out their YouTube channel Here

I found some good info going through all the relevant videos. They also have a good forum that goes over all the changes and features that I think is posted at the top of this thread…in the links summary…

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The manual is 100% comprehensive and is itself a work of art. There are also official RME forums where most common things have been asked.


Hi, my first posting. I have thousands of 256 kHz DSD files that have been converted from ISO files from SACDs. I plan on purchasing a Hugo TT2 with the M-Scaler. (I have Roon software.) However, I have read that the TT2 converts all DSD files to PCM and they do not sound very good; one reviewer stated they sounded dry .

I would be willing to buy the RME just to play these files which will be stored on separate hard drives. However, the manual states that when using DSD Direct, without any PCM conversion, the volume controls will not work as the analog signal is available only at the rear outputs, except for a coarse volume control via the analog output reference level control. A remote control is a must for me.

So do I need a preamp with a remote control to connect the RME to in order to play these DSD files?

Part of my confusion is that I have a Pro-Ject Box S2 which Roon displays as playing native DSD yet I am able to adjust the sound using the volume knob on the unit or the remote control unit. Is the S2 DSD output different from the RME DSD output? Thank you for any advice on this matter.

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Both the TT2 and the M-Scaler will convert DSD to PCM before converting it to analog. It’s an upsampling process (final sample rate is 2048 fs vs. Redbook PCM, which would be roughly 512 fs for DSD256).

I don’t think it sounds “dry” vs. native PCM content, but then I don’t think DSD sounds better than PCM of equivalent sample-rate anyway.

For native DSD replay, if you’re feeding a power/speaker amplifier, then yes you’ll need a pre-amp or passive attenuator between the RME’s analog outputs and the power/speaker amplifier.

If you’re feeding a headphone amplifier, it should have a built-in attenuator (volume control).

But either way, in native DSD mode, the RME ADI-2 DAC fs does not let you control volume directly.

The RME unit does it’s volume control in the digital domain, which precludes attenuation for DSD content. There is no analog volume control in the unit (other than the very coarse reference level attenuators) following the DAC’s output.

The Pro-Ject Pre-Box S2 Digital unit has a digitally-controlled analog attenuator and conventional headphone amplifier after the DAC section.

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Thanks, I saw that you have the TT2 and M-Scaler. I will wait to hear the DSD played on it before spending any more money.


I have the TT2 and M-Scaler, and the RME ADI-2 DAC, and I had the Pro-Ject box for a little while as well (though it was just for the fun of it).

How did the S2 sound compared to the RME? I am currently using the S2 in my home office driving headphones through it output and speakers through a receiver. I will compare the S2 DSD to the TT2 DSD conversion in my main system when I acquire the TT2.

My glib response would be “I still own the RME ADI-2 DAC fs”.

The headphone output on the Pre-Box S2 Digital is extremely anemic. It’s fine for very efficient cans, but not worthwhile with almost any of my dynamics (and a non-starter for my planar cans).

If you’re really just focused on DSD replay, I’d skip the RME unit AND the Pro-Ject box, and go for a Holo Audio Spring DAC (or the imminent “May” DAC), spend the difference vs. the Chord unit on a beefy PC (ideally with a high-end nVidia video card), buy an HQPlayer license, and go to town.

You’ll still need a pre-amp/volume control though.

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No, I have tens of thousands of PCM files which is why I want the TT2 and the M-Scaler. I want to ditch the powerful computer and HQ Player. Been there done that. I have a NUC running Roon and the hard drives are connected to it. Very simple. However, I may look into the Holo at some future time. I do have an Auris tube headphone amp that I am going to connect to the S2. I have Night Owl headphones, which are just okay, and I plan on purchasing the Focus Clear headphones later this month.

The S2 is connected to my 15 year old Arcam AVR300 driving 20 year old Monitor Audio bookshelf speakers which are extremely musical. I just purchased some KEF 50 speakers at a reduced price which I am sending back. The treble is much too harsh. A friend has them with the built in amps and they sound much better.


Hi @slingshot, welcome to the forum. Not sure if you’re looking for a Holo DAC, if yes, I listed mine
here yesterday.

I haven’t heard the TT2 + M Scaler combo but I do have the Dave + M Scaler combo and I’ve fed the rig with DSD256 files and they sounded great after the up-sampling process. I did enjoy the sound of the Holo Spring DAC when feeding DSD files a bit better than Dave+M Scaler, it could be because of the R2R topology sweetness and just personal taste preference for the analog signal output of DSD256 files from the Holo. Please note that I’m not saying this to promote my listing, I’m sharing my honest opinion and experience.


Personally I think the TT2 on its own, never mind with the M-Scaler, runs rings around pretty much everything in regards to DSD replay, except a PC capable of running HQPlayer with the highest level of oversampling and the highest order noise shapers/modulators feeding something like the Spring DAC (i.e. true NOS, dedicated DSD converter, etc.).

And even then the difference is on the order of 1 or 2%, and not audible without specifically listening for it - which is rather at odds with the kind of listening people tend to do when listening for pleasure.

I think the Spring DAC’s “sweetness” has little to do with DSD … I got that out of it in NOS PCM mode more than any other mode.

I’ll be stunned if, in any kind of sensible unsighted/level matched comparison, the TT2 alone doesn’t whomp HQPlayer and the Pre-Box S2 Digital. It’s a nice little box for $399, but it’s completely outclassed by the Hugo 2, never mind the TT2.


I should add …

The TT2 with native PCM material, and especially with the M-Scaler driving it, is a better listening experience than ANY configuration feeding any DSD-focused/native DAC I’ve heard (which is probably the bulk of the good ones at this poinT), so it’s definitely a solid choice there.

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I also prefer the sound of the Holo Spring in NOS PCM mode. I did use HQPlayer to upsample my DSD256 files to DSD512, Mac Mini USB output to Gustard U16 USB interface box with externar clock to Spring DAC via I2S and I did enjoy that combo slightly better than the Dave, but this is just me though and it’s from memory. Dave is still a superior DAC and when paired with the M Scaler I’m not sure if there’s much competition around, that can match that combo but there was just something about the Holo sound that made switch to it when I played my small collection of DSD files. Anyways, Dave is still around and won’t be listed in the near future so that alone should speak louder than my words.

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I should say that if you’re on the fence between TT2+M Scaler and Holo Spring DAC, funds not being an issue, go with the Chord stack everyday and twice on Sunday for sure. It’s superior to almost any standalone DAC around with a few exceptions (Its big brother Dave, dCS Bartok based on some owners feedback).

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