Welcome to the community @wkimbel
I am new here from this summer and an enthusiastic novice, but I will offer some observations.
- Search and read these forums. There is a lot of experience and technical expertise that can be helpful.
- Start with (Mis)Understanding USB Audio
- Also read Digital Interface Nervosa (USB, I2S, SPDIF, TOSLINK, AES, DDC, WTF, BBQ) - #6 by Torq
- @Torq has contributed a lot on subjects important to your decision, has immense knowledge, and has been kind enough to correct me more than once
Until recently my reference DAC/streamer was out on loan. By a series of coincidences and misguided impulsive purchasing (I need a breathalyzer on my computer before I click buy) I ended up with 3 budget DACs kicking around.
I am comparing the Modi 3+, Modi MB, EarMen Sparrow, Focusrite Scarlet, and of course my Matrix Audio Element X. The "budget DACs I have been comparing both into an Asgard 2 and amsandsound Ovation.
I intended to contribute something comprehensive for the community, but I have decided I will not because my subjective findings point to extremely subtle differences in these DACs that do not amount to substantive value for me. However, I do have some advice:
I have owned two Schiit amps with internal DACs, an original Jotunheim with AKM, and a Ragnarok with MB. I also owned a Modi AKM (before 3+) and a Vali 2 stack. The internal DACs all sound good, but whether it is internal noise from other power supplies etc or a USB issue, they both had a noise floor noticeable at a lower volume level than the external DACs do. This noise floor would disappear when I would unplug the USB cable, and re-appear when I plug it back in. The Modi 3+ does not do this. It is dead cold silent all the way to max. The external Modi MB is somewhere in between, less than the internal DACs but more than the 3+ with Unison USB.
It may be blissful ignorance on my part, but I think Unison USB is a really effective development for Schiit and I would encourage you to get a DAC with it if you are to stay with the Schiit brand, which as you can tell I like a lot.
There is a strong contingent here for the Bifrost 2. I can only think that the overwhelming consensus points to truth. I have not heard a Bifrost. But what I can say for myself is that the difference between the Modi3+ and the Modi MB is subtle, to me. The only things I can say with certainty is that the MB has grainier strings in orchestral recordings, as if you can hear rosin on the bows. The 3+ seems smoother and more like my Element X in this respect. Second, the MB has a more authentic sounding decay to acoustic sounds, again, like my Element X. Mind you, I have no way to A vs B these quickly. I have to move RCA cables and choose the DAC in the computer and start over. Also, the “noise” I mention in the MB and the internal DACs from earlier is at listening levels that would cut your listening life short by, any years. In normal listening, it is not noticeable.
I hear profound differences between different headphones.
I hear really important differences between amplifiers.
I hear DECISIVE differences with my favorite headphones through my tube amp that allow me to stop thinking about all of this stuff.
Between DACs I do not hear differences that would warrant investing heavily there until the cans and amps are sorted out.
To put it bluntly, into my amp and headphones, I get equal listening pleasure from the $99 Modi 3+ as I do my $3000 DAC/Streamer. No kidding. The Modi 3+ is an exceptionally capable little device. As is the MB. I suggest you go external though, rather than internal without Unison. Just my opinion.
Of course I am kicking myself for investing so much in my DAC before I had begun to arrive at the more important components.
I would suspect the Modius sounds a lot like the Modi 3+ out of its SE output, maybe even better balanced out. If you are not going to spend on a Bifrost, I am sure you will be very happy with it. But my current “bedroom” system is a $99 Modi 3+ and a $119 B stock Asgard 2 and I could not be happier!
Hope that helps a little bit.