Schiit Jotunheim - Headphone Amplifier - Official Thread

This thread has been inactive for awhile and needing some love!!!

Well since I posted here many amps have come and gone…the THX is sold, my Vahalla 2 is gone, my BH Mainline lives in a diffrent zip code…

I have kept my BH Crack, Jotenheim, got a B Stock Lyr 3, Tuba (EL 84 OTL), and a dozen DIY SS amps of all kinds of designs…oh and a lowly original Magni 3 (again a B stock gem).

Along came several new headphones to audition. Sold a few…the Beyers are gone, the Grados are gone, the Audio Technica are gone, the Senn 800s is gone…down to a fairly new set of HEDD’s, a old set of HD 600s, Focal Clears and a set of DT1350s.

ONe of the comments Resolve stated above is :

This brings me to why I sold what I did and why I kept what I kept…for the pure enjoyment of listening to music…I often state “Enjoy the Music While You Can!”…

This leads me to my latest experiences with the new Hedds and the Jotenheim…its the one setup that I seem to be gravitating to most often…like the magic many experience with the Senns and the BH Crack …that magical euphonic experience…(i like that word “euphonic”… :grinning:)…for me there is that magical overall musical presentation with the HEDDs and the Jot…just sublime.

I have my preferences as we all do and there are many great combinations, but for some reason using these cans with the Jot makes them come alive, a really nice wide soundstage with excellent imaging. Compared to the Clears which I am listening with now, they are so nice, but my brain is telling me where is the soundstage!! Some state the soundstage with the HEDDs is wide laterally but not much in front to add to the depth…but with the Jot it seems to even help out here with these cans…

The real magic seems to be with a balanced cable running on HIGH gain…go figure.

So heres one for an old Schiit amp thats been around awhile now, but it keeps on ticking very, very well.

I am hoping to get a loaner Phonitor someday to try with all cans and see for myself why many folks state this is a special amp indeed.

For now audio nirvana is happening here with these 718gm HEDDs and the Jot!

Morning to all!!
