Schiit Vahalla 2 Headphone Amp - Official Thread

Addendum: It should be - Amperex Holland 7119 on 5687 to 6N6. My apologies. I couldn’t figure out how to edit my original post.

So I took advantage of Schiit’s $250 pricing a month ago and have been really happy with its performance. Not the most powerful - using high gain mostly - but works well with both my HE1000 Stealths (takes some of the edge of the treble) and my Focal Clears. Run using my Mojo 2. Haven’t tried other tubes was yet. Maybe in the future…

For now - and this will not last I know - I am really satisfied with the system and can pause on “what am I buying next?”. Though those ZMF Atrium’s look very tasty…:slight_smile: