Sennheiser HD 800 S - Open Back Dynamic Headphone - Official Thread

I picked up the HD800s a few weeks ago, they finally broke in some and sound great.

A lot of people like the HD800 over the HD800s, just wondering what the buzz was about.

Thanks man.

I think the 800 has a tighter bass presentation giving it a small edge over the 800S in ultimate detail. I find the 800S has a more satisfying bass (as in richer sounding) presentation overall with a wider range of recordings. And I’d bet popular genres in particular would come across more satisfyingly with the S.

Those recordings with a bit of glare or brightness in the upper midrange/lower highs sound better on the 800S.

With the recent addition of the RAAL HSA-1b to my HP amp stable I’ve been able to fine tune my thoughts on both 800 and 800S. And I plan on keeping both.


The name of the modder who came up with it is sorrodje. Here’s a link to the thread HD800 "French Mod" aka "SuperDupont Resonator" | Super Best Audio Friends

Here’s Tyll Hertsen’s review Sennheiser HD 800 S: Tweaked and Delightful...and a French DIY Response |



I’ve been hearing the HD800S stock for a while and tonight I decided to play the EQ game with these cans once again.

First choice, as usual, is the Sonarworks profile. Just couldn’t stand it this time. :hear_no_evil:

EQ Profile of the month for the HD800S

So I went to the “build a profile from scratch” exercise. So my EQ “profile of the month” is as simple as 3 knobs – just 1 really:

Plot above means

– More sub-bass (optional and likely inaudible depending on the song): 6dB;
– More midrange: a.k.a. vocal or guitar bite. Just a slight 1.5dB boost;
– More high-treble: Ohh, air… I probably can’t hear this anyway: 5dB. :man_shrugging:


– To avoid clipping: -6dB;
– This is important when A/B’ing EQ on/off: an extra -0.5dB when EQ is engaged.

Tip of the month

Notice the orange line in the plot? It’s the phase. The more one cranks a frequency, the more out of phase the song will get at that specific frequency. There’s also a cost to that.

EQ is a tool, as just as a hammer is. :speak_no_evil:

The meme

EQ used

Stock EQ plugin from REAPER.

The closure

Cheers. :beers:



First post, and the reason why I made an account here - I have an HD 800S,
together with the RME ADI 2 FS DAC and am currently using the Drop THX AAA 789
as the amplifier.

I like the frequency response, it is really very transparent, but the stage seems very… 2D to me?
I want the full HD 800S experience, the stage that it is famous for, and have so far considered:

Violectric V200
Lehmann Audio Linear

But haven´t had a chance to try either one of them.

What do you guys recommend?



The flat staging is more of how the RME DAC presents the sound, rather than the amplifier used, imo.

I’m not sure that an amplifier would drastically change the soundstage off of the RME.


I have owned and used the same combo as you speak of and it made for very good sound. However if you want the most out of the HD800S I would take the THX 789 out the chain (too clinical) and add this ZMF Pendant. The Rme ADI-2 DAC (and the amazing EQ) coupled with the ZMF Pendant (or one of the other amps made by the same people at Ampsandsound) is the best sound I have ever heard from headphones. Not just with the HD800S but also with my ZMF Eikon as well. If this combo does not blow you away, then nothing will.


So many choices and also Tubes vs SS. . I use a Bryston BHA-1 with my 800s and its got plenty of power and its pretty neutral. Of course its over your price but they can be found for under $1400.

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Allow me a provocation here. Can you hear a difference between these two amps (on the 6.34mm jack)? If that’s not the case all I can advise you is to stay away from op-amp driven topologies. Look for discrete and handle the noise (a.k.a. colors) accordingly.

As far as of the 3D thing, if there is another level to that w.r.t. HD800S, this is something I’m also interested in learning. :smiley:

Cheers. :beers:


i went from a 789 to a v280 and my soundstage became absolutely insane, may be due to the v280 or instead, the v280 allowing my the DAC to open up, take your guess. and i mean, the step up was INSANE, its the first thing i noticed coming off of the 789


Awesome! the 280 is a bit an expensive step up, but I have the option to get a v200 for cheap. Do you have any experience with the other models?

No provocation at all :blush: Bought the RME, couldn´t imagine ever wanting an upgrade, but tried the 789 because it was endlessly hyped and not expensive… and absolutely could hear the difference, to a point where I was disappointed about what RME ships as integrated amp. The 789 sounds great and has endless reserves, but I´m not getting the sound stage that everybody talks about when talking about the HD800S, so I´ll keep searching :blush:


i do not im afraid. and i do not have appropriate experience with source gear to nudge you along either as i just haven’t been through a lot.

i get you on the RME thing. i felt the same thing, for me the 789 seemed more resolving/clear although a bit peaky in a sense if it even makes sense to describe what im hearing like that. The RME seemed like a more forgiving listen but not really a step up, though i suppose you could consider that a step up for anyone that would happen to hear those differences

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The Black Amp from Austin Audio Works, right at $1500. On tour at SBAF, out resolved Jot2 and Eddie Current Zana Deux S. Same performance with Verite and Verum. I’ll be picking one up at some point. I miss it. Best amp I have had.


Thanks! This one seems very interesting

Let us talk about pads? Anyone using something else rather than stock?

On Dekoni, I was hesitant after a frustrated attempt with the HD6 series (Choice leather). Decided to give it another try with the Elite Fenestrated Sheepskin version. My fast forward take: :relieved: :+1:

Stock pads is just too flimsy for my head. Missing the HD6 clamp force in the HD800. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The only caveat is that the headphone now is just too big to fit in its hard case. :weary:

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I’ve tried Dekoni Elite Hybrid on standard HD800, and Elite Sheepskin on my HD800S. I found both to be an improvement over the stock pads. Better comfort for certain.

I liked the Elite Sheepskin the best.


We’re giving away a new Sennheiser HD 800S this month! Check out @Resolve 's giveaway video below.


Somewhat trivial but I am actually excited about this. These are hands down the best out of the box cables I have seen so far (I am looking at you Focal, Hifiman! Yes, you get a pass Audeze but only because I feel very generous today). I only wish Sennheiser made them half as long.


Lol, I’m glad they don’t …I’m one of those guys that need a 3m cable. :wink: It is a nice stock cable, just wish it would’ve been XLR instead of 4.4mm (like it used to be apparently). Am I the only one who only has 4.4mm for mobile use…and who’s going to use an 800s with a dap??!! :thinking:

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