You have the option to change the broadcast ssid, and possibly the associated bands / channels it is broadcasting on.
If you get any interference you can adjust accordingly.
If it were me, I’d get my mesh all set up. Then plug in the other router, and set up a new network named “HappyWiffeHappyLife” and connect just the harmony hub. Test that for a few days and see if it works.
I have a Netgear Nighthawk, connected to an AT&T gateway. It was an impulse buy from Costco, and I’ll give it one more chance, before it goes back to Costco.
I did a quick read on the manual for that, and I have to admit, I would return it. It makes things a little too easy, by not letting you change things that are pretty useful.
I can see why you struggled to get your hub to connect. Earlier I said to get it running and then connect your old router to use as just a 2.4 network, but I’m not positive you will be able to make that work with this configuration. I was thinking you’d be able to take a ethernet port from your router and configure your old router as just a subnet. Now I’m not positive that is an option.
I second @mfadio comment. Nighthawks can be annoying. The easiest mesh network is eero. But it is far from the fastest. However, all you need is something that is as fast as your internet speed. So unless you have ungodly internet ( 1Gbps), eero wouldn’t be the bottleneck. If it is that fast, I recommend an orbi which can bring most of the speed to your wifi 6 devices (if you have any)
I have Deco from TP-Link. It’s fast and in my primary work area works flawlessly with a 5 port network switch for things I prefer to wire. Running a mixed network with Mac Win and Linux.
At my folks house I set up a net gear Orbi? 3 node but it was slow. Single node is way faster and so far the customer service has not been helpful. Have only had a few hours to try and debug as I’m usually there on a weekend doing other chores.
The only way you are taking advantage of that is a high end orbi or similar. If you need the mesh for coverage reasons, it’s gonna be something like that. Now, your wireless devices do not need that speed (and frankly, will never fully utilize it), but I objected to paying for 1gbps and not at least having the potential to use it wirelessly. The good news is my iphone is blazingly fast at home! (only wifi 6 device I have). If stability and ease of use is more important, sacrificing speed for simplicity might be worth it for eero or google wifi options. Both tend to “just work”.
My router is in the basement, on my desk, so I have blazing speed.
I had snaked some ethernet up to the top floor and have an access point there, so my wife has enough signal strength for her work.
The issue is the main floor, which is OK, but my son complains all the time because he’s a gamer and the wifi speed isn’t as good as he’d like it, probably because there’s some metal ductwork directly above the router. He’d really like me to snake some ethernet to the main floor, but it’s an old house with plaster walls, and I just don’t feel like doing it. He’s just going to have to learn that he can’t always get what he wants.
Thanks again everyone for the advice. As you can see, I don’t have a huge issue that I’m trying to solve, so I think I’ll put this on hold for a while and maybe try an orbi later this year.
I think this just skirts the edge of the acceptable, as we DON’T DISCUSS POLITICS on this forum. But this is more um…silliness and drink!
Just saw a clip of Larry Kudlow (FOX NEWS) complaining loudly that Biden’s rules would FORCE US TO DRINK (GASP) PLANT-BASED BEER with our veggie burgers on cook-outs. Imagine! PLANT BASED BEER. I will stick with my protected-species AMERICAN EAGLE MEAT BASED BEER thank you!. PLANT BASED BEER! Harrrumph! To think.
I think I’ll just stick with real beef and a good old Belgian Ale made the old fashion way with barley malt, water, hops and yeast and maybe some fruit etc… What they want to do is for the " Green New Deal targets, America has to…stop eating poultry and fish, seafood, eggs, dairy, and animal-based fats,". Nope will not happen in my life time or my grandchildren’s life time. " Hey did ya taste that Soy Beer, along with a Soy and pork and bean burger. Yuck. !
There can be yeast-based “beyond plant” alcoholic beer and animal-based “beyond plant” alcohol (internal to the animal). I suppose one could generate alcohol through lab processes to produce the required enzymes too, perhaps from plants and minerals. But, I’m not a chemist.
Also note that beer has long been clarified with fish swim bladder finings (isinglass). The use of isinglass was a big deal among some of my past vegan acquaintances, and they thereby drank only cloudy beer or explicitly vegan-clarified beers. They read the labels and looked up brewers’ processes.
Not so - regardless of processing, it is plant-based - and water of course. I wonder what a pork-based beer would be like. Good for bacon burgers? And now, there is supposed to be a national chicken wing shortage too.
Actually, some minor publication wrote a story based on a non-related study that was picked up and got pushed into the news. This kind of stuff happens every day when news organizations fail to adequately vet their sources. There is no actual government push to restrict meats, despite some fringe elements perhaps having agendas. Some of the elements would probably have me on an all feldspar diet.