TruthEar Nova - Official Thread

This is the place to discuss all things TruthEar Nova.


Here are the measurements:

B&K 5128:

Comparison to Moondrop Variations:

Comparison to TruthEar Hexa:

Tip Comparisons:

GRAS (RA0402):
vs Harman IE (this is just because this IEM is particularly Harmanlike. For more information on why we don’t just use Harman IE and 711 at present, here’s some context)


Overall it’s a solid release, since this is basically a cheaper Moondrop Variations, which has been a popular IEM for quite some time now. With that said, I sincerely hope this is the last we see of this trend for IEMs. TruthEar’s very own Hexa is a more balanced sounding IEM, and doing that comparison right away reveals the issue with the lower mid dip that’s likely the result of the old 711 paradigm with in-ear headphones.

  • No issues with comfort
  • Subjective qualities are basically the same as on the Variations (unsurprisingly), which is to say… it’s really quite good for that.
  • One minor difference is that I do still feel the Variations has slightly more satisfying bass, but also there’s some measured difference among these units for the bass as well.

Recommended for those who like a particularly distinct sub-bass shelf, with a leaner midrange presentation. Not recommended for those sensitive to upper mids and treble.


I like the Nova. Chopping is very similar on my Rig at least, but it sounds better in ear.

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Is scooped lower mids still a thing in late 2023? :weary:

I sincerely hope this is the end of that trend.

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Are you “medium tips” comparisons above referring to silicon?

None of your plots above are for foam, correct?

Also why is @listener 's 5218 measurement very different, especially above 600Hz? His Nova is basically horizontal above 600Hz

Those are different IEMs… No? Or are you referring to a different measurement. It could be we weren’t using JM-1 calibration at the time.

No the plot in blue is labelled Nova?
And it is from the review page of Nova
Very different above 600 Hz - bright looking

Also my other question - are your medium tips referring to the silicone tips ? not foam, correct?

You didn’t measure with foam, correct ?

I would have measured with a bunch of tips. Re the graph difference, I expect that’s because we went from 5128 DFHRTF to JM-1 (for 5128) DFHRTF for the calibration, which is a better indication of population average pinna effects. I’m hoping in future the tool we use for our database can better indicate that but currently it doesn’t get reflect that for in ears.

I know this. Your plot in post #1 compares “white flange” against “medium tips”.

My question is , is “medium tips” silicone or foam?

If you can’t recall, can you just say that instead of the vagueness please

Oh, sorry no if it’s foam I’ll indicate foam

ok thanks for clarifying

Silicone tips look good measurements with 5128.

Not sure why all the forums said it measures better with foam tips (on 711). Maybe some weird interactions with 711 rigs that is not there with 5128. Maybe a resonance

The reason for using foams (at least in my case and that of many others) is that it is easier to get a good seal (silicone tips can have a habit of folding and not sealing correctly) and it is also easier to get a consistent insertion depth across multiple sets.


Enjoyed listening to mine today on a long walk.

Hey @Resolve , in the video review you mentioned (if I understood what you said correctly) that rather than chase a specific tonality it’s better to find overall good IEMs and tune them to your taste. I wholeheartedly agree! My EQd Truthear Hola sound really REALLY good (to my ears of course). To the point where I sometimes can’t believe I’m listening to IEMs as cheap as they used to cost. But then the question comes up when considering upgrade paths - what would that upgrade look like? Is it now just about other aspects such as fit? Or trying to find those elusive “technicalities”?
What I am trying to ask is - for someone that 100% agrees with you about EQing, how would they go about (in your eyes) finding a pair of IEMs that would suit them?

Well, I do think it’s worth trying to find products with tonality you like. But due to your individual anatomy, you can’t guarantee that just from the graphs alone, so you may as well do that last bit with EQ.

I would personally look at some of the ‘new meta’ tunings out there, since that seems to be a very well-recieved direction IEMs are going in. And ensure you find something that’s going to fit you well. So consider how big your ear canal entrance is haha.

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