So I’m fairly sold on getting a Pixel 2/XL now that my current phone is beginning to wear down. The Oneplus 6 (and 6T) are also still in the running, kinda, but camera samples off the Google kids remain vastly better to my eye, especially when pixel-peeping; I’ve no proper camera of my own but enjoy taking photos nonetheless, so image quality is a big deal for me.
The only problem now is that neither of the Google kids nor the 6T have a 3.5mm jack. I personally take exception to this particular trend in smartphone design (ALL THE DAMN DONGLES!!), but since I do most of my proper listening at home on my bedside rig I figure I can live with something not technically brilliant for when I’m out and about.
I’ve got smaller ears than most: I can just barely fit Andros in my ears and trying to wear the InEar ProPhile 8 was a laughable endeavour. No, lube didn’t help. For this reason I tend to go for smaller, bullet-type IEMs like the ADV M4 or the Ortofon E-Q5. Those of you familiar will know that these are v-shaped, and while I can’t say I dislike the signature (see: my headphones + my being primarily a low-volume listener) I’d rather go with something more polite in the treble to reduce fatigue. That’d be a warm/dark signature, ideally warm.
Mostly, I just want something that isolates well without having to resort to Complys (they degrade pretty quickly, I’ve got somewhat acidic skin); I spend a lot of time around traffic and it can get uncomfortably loud at times, which sometimes triggers my tinnitus. It gets pretty annoying.
Budget is $100 to start, but I can go up to $200 or thereabouts if need be if the SQ/build quality justifies the extra expense. These will just be daily beaters/makeshift earplugs though, so I don’t want to drop too much money into this when I’m still planning on getting a turntable sooner or later, haha. Oh, and removable cables would be a nice bonus; considering my having fairly acidic skin and living in a tropical country cables tend to crap out after a few months of use.
Lastly, yes I know I can use the USB-C>3,5mm dongle that comes with either phone, but I won’t. Screw dongles.
So I just came across these. Lovely /s: