Westone Mach 40 Review - Old School vs. New School

Westone is an old guard of the IEM world; while the brand doesn't enjoy as much recognition from the new generation of audiophiles, it has an established standing on the pro audio scene. Now, I had the opportunity to demo some of Westone's IEMs last year at CanJam SoCal and, frankly, I found myself less than impressed. Of course, show conditions being what they are, I didn't really feel it was fair to comment too harshly on them. But the advent of a new year gives not only the opportunity to hear some of the brand's latest models, but to also hear them from the comfort of my own home under ideal listening conditions. So how does the Mach 40 (4BA, $599) - the focus of this review - sound, and how does its baby brother the Mach 30 (3BA, $499) compare? 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://headphones.com/blogs/reviews/westone-mach-40-review