What’s your EDC?

FiiO FH7 and Dragonfly Cobalt.


The EDC inclusions of a gun and knives is still confronting for me I guess. No-one in Australia does it, it’s not a thing. Police carry guns, no one else. And not many carry knives, be mostly carried by trouble makers, at least in the cities.

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Well the EDC package has officially grown, It includes Plantronics BT IEM, knife, hand gun, back-up gun, wallet, flashlight. We now have to add hand sanitizer, protective face mask, rubber gloves and back up face covering… Ugh I need. a murse at this point.


I’m not criticising, merely curious given our cultural differences. What’s the gun for? And why the need for a backup one? Is it just what people do where you live?

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His name is Gunboy. He has good taste in hardware.


In the United States it is a Constitutionally Protected right to Bear Arms. It’s known the Second Amendment. It was originally placed by its Founding Fathers to protect citizens from its own Tyrannical Government. It also offers the great equalizer when a huge person with bad intentions barges into someones home “uninvited.” Guns aren’t a bad thing. Some people with guns can be.



Murse = Male nurse…my nephew is one.


Yeah, well aware of those aspects. I guess my question is more why you do it. Is it because everyone else does? Or you just always have, as your father’s and theirs before?

We have trouble makers here too. But 99% of the population don’t even consider carrying any weapon for that purpose.

It’s such a fascinating part of American culture. We just carry boomerangs.

  1. Because I can…bought my first rifle in 1980.
  2. It’s better to have and not need than to need and not have.
  3. And yes the culture is different.
  4. It’s like collecting headphones, quite fun.
  5. It’s also sport, and relaxing to range train.

It’s a tool to be greatly respected. Owning a firearm comes with great responsibility.



I worked at a gun range for many years, I was a 1911 collector, and now they sit in my safe.

NightHawk T3 was one of my Fav, along with STI Escort.
I EDC my STI Escort and or Glock 17. (Not so much this days)
Along with a HDS System light or one of my collectible Flash Light.

My fav EDC knife is a Spyderco collab with Anso: Rock Lobster.


Not everyone in the US includes guns and knives in their EDC. As pointed out, it is a constitutional right, deriving from several sources, including cultural attitudes at the time of the founding of our country, the fact that much of our country was dangerous, and as constitutional scholars will point out, the colonies started as more independent entities, and it was seen as necessary to raise a militia. It is instructive to read how the term militia has evolved over the years.

In many ways, the US has long been a story of yin and yang, and much of its strength comes from how opposing cultural attitudes have worked themselves out - mostly. I don’t carry or own a gun (I guess my wife does, she inherited a few nice rifles and a shotgun, now antiques) - when I was younger, a good pocketknife was often useful. In fact, I don’t really think that in most cases, carrying a gun is a good idea. However, the 2nd amendment is part of our bill of rights, and an attack on any amendment carries a very strong risk of being an attack on others. Many feel that failure to exercise one’s rights will lead to a diminution of those rights.

For me, EDC includes some IEMs in the car. A few quarters and enough cash in my pocket. Keys, too many scannable codes for stores, eyeglasses, and an iPhone. Often a Pentel medium roller-ball pen.

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No insult taken, I experienced a particularly traumatic situation back In 93’ when my younger brother and i were robbed, beaten and my brother was killed by the assailants who were never caught. Since then i have always been armed because the laws where i live allow for it. I’ve never had to draw my weapon in self defense and hope i never have to. I also do not wish on anyone what i have been through, it was horrible and devastating to me and my family both financially and emotionally. My case is rare, I don’t talk about it, i won’t argue over my right to carry or your choice not to, i do what i feel is appropriate for me and am willing to take on the consequences. I’m mild mannered, and friendly but choose to have a means to defend myself if ever again in a situation where i can. Also due to my particular work, i have learned over the years that any critical item that has to perform when called upon, the rule is two is one and one is none. Now, back to music and the gear that brings us all together here, happy listening my friend.


I’m sorry for your loss. This is a terrible thing to happen. As a Brit it is a very alien concept to me thinking of people walking down the street with guns on them. Heck you cant even carry a pocket knife without getting into trouble.



or this:


Crocodile Dundee carries a knife!


@BuffaloWing If I was in Australia I would just keep trained Drop bears around me at all times… concealed carry drop bear license required of course…


Alright. Let’s clear this up.

Drop bears. Aren’t. Real.

BUT. Everything else dangerous is. 100% is.

It really isn’t a big issue, but I guess it may sound worse to foreigners…

Last year we were at the park, outer suburbs of our city. Someone saw a snake. It slid off into the garden next to the swings. Called a snake catcher. He rocks up. Struggles to find it, gets sighted again. Asked me, in shorts and thongs (not sure what you call them, flip flops?), to stand on other side so it doesn’t escape. He drives in and grabs it, pulls it out, in the bag, then says “yeah, Eastern Brown, if it bit your kid they’d be dead before ambulance comes”. 2nd or 3rd most dangerous in the world I think. Fairly common here, along the most dangerous and probably the rest of the top 10 haha.


Despite knowing that every single living creature in Australia can kill you in a matter of seconds… I still want to go and experience the Australian outback and Australia’s awesome cities.

Oh and get really fucked up at a Australian bar.


As in drunk fucked up or as in outer suburbs of Melbourne bar, get drunk and tell everyone their local AFL sucks type of fucked up?

Not many die from the dangerous creatures here, suprisingly.


While I want to act like a bad ass and say all of the above… I am not that crazy and I want to come home with all my teeth. LOL

with that said…

This :smiley: