Why Dynamic Drivers for Speakers/Headphones/IEMs?

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Thank you. Appreciated. !!

My interactions with The Music Room (https://tmraudio.com/) have all been positive so far. Not loads of head-fi, but still probably worth checking every so often.

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Thank you. Thank you.

I see they have Harbeths on factory authorized sale. I’m just about $20k short at the moment. For the 40.3 in Rosewood.

Those who can conveniently afford some of the very best gear, do not need it. They are too busy making money.

The rest of us can only dream. Such is life. Our fun is trying to find the diamond in the rough, that elusive product that costs very little yet sounds pretty good for the small investment.

I’ve been trying out something that bridges the gap. But it will not turn a VW Golf into a Rolls Royce. It has its limits, which are the quality of whatever drivers one’s listening device came with, That does not change. At this time, it is free to use. It is rather dependent on a bit of a learning curve, and has many options. So effectiveness depends on the user gaining experience with it, over a few attempts, to discover their own protocol for conducting the tests and defining FR correction filters (EQ bands).

I’ve started a thread under the “mods” section, cos that’s where I think it belongs - a Digital Mod. I was really impressed with the results on my 2nd attempt, but I must admit, one cannot improve a substandard driver using this tool. And the likelihood is the devices with better drivers, are also likely to have better FR tuning and require less correction. Nevertheless, always worth a try.

Please note I am not affiliated to the developers, in any way. Discovered this via suggestion from Luke, another member of this forum.

They have an open box of the 40.3 in Rosewood. Now you’re only about $16k short.

Get rid of the Lyriq (it’s got EQ problems anyway), and you’ve got the Harbeth’s with plenty left over for amp shopping.

It always comes down to choices. :slight_smile: