ZMF Aeolus - Open-Back Dynamic Headphone - Official Thread

Hey @Heyoka, welcome to the forum!

By good combo do you mean is it worth owning both? To that I would say yes; both the VC and Aeolus are different sounding enough that it would warrant owning both if you have the budget…

As for other good combos of headphones, generally you’d like to go for one planar and one dynamic to get entirely different presentations. I, for one, prefer dynamic headphones so that’s what I have and want the most.

Yes, for sure the Aeolus gives you all that and that’s how I would describe it as well. Comparing it with the VC, the Aeolus has more tonal weight to the mids and more of a mid-bass boost I would say. Alternatively, the VC is more engaging, dynamic, wide, and detailed.

You mentioned buying a VC first but I would recommend starting with the Aeolus first as I think that would suit your preferences a little more. The Aeolus, I think, is a safer option than the VC in terms of appealing to a wider audience. In addition, it would be best to invest in a very good amp (preferably tubes) for ZMF headphones to make them really sing! It’s possible you might not enjoy them cheating out on your amplifier. I’m not experienced with tube amplifiers so maybe someone can chime in or there should be recommendations from this thread or other threads such as this. I’m assuming you have nothing to drive them since you mentioned your intent to build a system. Alternatively, the DAC is really important to get right as well. However, I don’t think it is as important if you are budget conscious. So, if you can afford a really nice DAC go for it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t worry too much about the DAC until further down the road.

Hope that was somewhat useful to you and enjoy your time here in the forum! Feel free to ask more questions; lot of helpful people around here.