ZMF Headphones - Official Thread

I’ve asked for other woods, on his other headphones, before and its not always been something that was doable, so that’s not uncommon.

In this case, I just happened to get lucky. I had decided to wait a bit to see what other LTD woods were offered for the Verite Closed. Which was something I mentioned to Zach when I returned the monkeypod review set. And as we were chatting back and forth on options, the timing happened to work out for these, which were experimental - but clearly turned out well!

Zach commented on head-fi about the possibility of more:

We’re in the process of stabilizing about 50 sets of v closed. We will sell them one by one as we finish them starting in a couple months. We won’t be taking pre-orders on these or anything as they will all be so unique I’d rather sell them individually with pictures of each.

And as/when that happens, if a reddish set with yellow/gold/orange grain/burls happened to show up, I’d be pouncing on those myself …