The Woo Audio one (can’t remember the model, HPS-T or something like that) works well
Yurii does good work and I’m happy with the stand he made me. Ask for a larger depth of 115mm to accommodate the ZMF cup/pad size.
I’ve been looking for that link! You’re the bestest! smooches
Here’s another nice looking headphone stand. I don’t have any experience with it, but I think @MRHifiReviews mentioned it in a livestream.
As far as headphone stands, the ZMF Salire was one that did not grab my attention at first, as I preferred the standard black or silver metal stands you see everywhere. However as time went by, I kept seeing pics online of different woods and how pleased everyone was with theirs. Then I started getting interested in the design and looks, but there were not any wood choices of my liking. So, I kept checking back in on the ZMF website knowing that Zach rotates wood choices from time to time, and finally one day Wenge wood became available and the rest is history. The look, design and usability of these stands is stellar and so well thought out. Here are my Wenge stands pictured below, and they look way better in person. Get a look at that grain.
Wenge Wood.
The Wenge wood stand on the left is turned for easy access to my Verite C, but looks just as good as the other one, on it’s sides. Zach sure knows how to pick some good wood!
Wenge is the new Blackwood.
A new one for Vulcans?
Looks like an Eikon pad that was:
– Shot w/a wide angle lens at a weird angle (or)
– On a planet with different atmosphere than earth’s
Coincidence? I think not. You eliminated the impossible. Whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? Yes?
I actually do have a question though. For those that chose between VC, Eikon and Atticus, what helped make your decision? This is a pick one scenario, not an own them all for different reasons scenario.
Well, I owned or heard all 3 IMS for extended periods, which is what lead to my decision to get a VO (also a blackwood Aeolus–another big sonic success).
At least IMS, the Atticus just never “woke up” and sounded as others describe it on any of the 6 SS amps I tried. I’d heard it could be amp-picky, and IMS it was that–to the extent that I ended up selling. It was a beautiful, brand-new cocobolo Atticus ordered from ZMF…hated to sell it but just wasn’t getting anywhere w/it. Because the only other oppty’s I’ve had to hear the Atticus were at noisy shows, I still have yet to hear that glorious Atticus sound others praise (but based the amazing sound of the Aeolus, I have little doubt the Atticus is as good as people say).
I owned a coco Eikon for a couple years and only sold it because closed back HPs in general tend to aggravate my migraine & tinnitus. I still miss it sometimes–a beautiful headphone with very impressive sound.
I had a VO & VC for ~2 weeks in late 2018 and was totally wowed by both. I couldn’t handle the VC very well for reasons given above–but could easily hear it’s the best closed back headphone I’ve ever heard, a rare combination of musicality, dynamic capability, tonal purity, and high resolution. The VO is pretty much the same, but being open, tends not to be a little more relaxing for my ears…
I ended up getting a VO and love it to pieces. That & the Aeolus are clearly the best open-backs I’ve heard (and I’ve had a few good ones).
Minus the migraine/tinnitus issue, do you like the VO better?
Can you talk about other things you liked before you went ZMF? (Trying to get an idea for something I have heard or can hear more easily)
Yes, I like the VO better. Even before migraine & tinnitus entered my life–back when I had a big audiophile 2-channel system–I preferred big, powerful speakers than didn’t steamroll me with dynamics or detail. It’s just a sonic preference: but I realized early on that no audio system can come close to the wave front pushed at one/one’s ears by the symphony orchestra in Carnegie Hall when they do a crescendo. Given that impossibility, I opted for a slightly gentler dynamic capability in speakers. I was very happy to trade that last nth degree of dynamic “jump” & microscopic detail for more dimensional notes, tonal purity, spacious sound, and natural weight in the lower registers (that’s a big part of what’s so impressive about live music IMHO).
When I got to headphones ~5 years, my preferences were and are pretty much the same.
My first really good HP was the Fidelio X2, which I still have and enjoy. Now I can hear it falls short of the VO or Aeolus in resolution, but still enjoy it. I own just 2 closed backs: a rather good, inexpensive ChiFi design (Marantz MPH-2) and the really fine ZMF Ori. Both seem to aggravate my head less than other closed backs (I’m grateful for that).
I also have a heavily modded HD650, an excellent overall headphone, but not in the comfort zone of the ZMFs, nor the soundstage & bass range. Finally, I just got a gently used AFO, which is a pretty nice-sounding all-rounder.
Past/sold HPs include pre-fazor LCD-2.1 & LCD-3; HEX v2; and Empyrean.
Thanks for the feedback! That is very helpful!
Is there a general consensus as to whether, if one could only buy one, whether the VC or the VO is the more essential of the two? I have an Aeolus in my future, and it might pay to first actually listen to it, but let’s not let that stop me.
I have Focal Celestees and Clear MG, so I may be reluctant (in this hypothetical future) to have 3 open-back cans, but such concerns aside, is one the consensus choice?
Have them all so I didn’t really have to make a decision. If I could only keep one it would be the VC. if I could only keep one because I needed the money, I’d keep the Atticus. I’d also probably suggest the Atticus if one hadn’t heard any ZMF, as it’s the most fun and the most bang for the buck so if one didn’t like it they’d be out the least amount of money.
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Only if you need isolation.
I wish it was that simple. Along with isolation (of any closed back) comes somewhat more cup resonance, zing in the upper mids/treble, and bass impact. The VC and VO have the same driver and are voiced very closely–but that voice is expressed in closed cups/VC vs open cups/VO, w/the usual differences that entails.
I liked open-back headphones as soon as I heard my first one. It’s not just the VO I feel this way about. There’s often more ease of flow in the music & a slightly relaxed vibe with the open back design.
But there are people in this hobby that want the ultimate impact & excitement from a headphone. Those people gravitate towards the VC, and who can blame them?
Yes. If one doesn’t need isolation, then there is no consensus. If one needs isolation, only 1 qualifies. This doesn’t consider sonics.