ZMF Vérité C - Closed-Back Dynamic Headphone - Official Thread

The Atticus was my foray into high-end headphones after the HD650. I remember thinking that the bass wasn’t enough at first. Looking back, I laugh at myself. I think it takes some time to adjust to what “good” bass sounds like – as opposed to boomy, Skullcandy/Beats bass. I think I was hoping the Atticus would have more sub-bass.

Now, I have a VC and Atrium as my end-game combo.
The VC has amazing bass, IMO. It’s not the absolute last word in either quality or quantity, but it’s got both in spades and is actually one of the best I’ve heard that strikes a great balance between quality (speed, texture, decay) and quantity (presence, impact, rumble). It also blends perfectly into the low-mids.

Make sure you try the other pads on them (Universe pads) if you haven’t yet!

Not saying this is you, but I think many who are relatively new to HiFi/head-fi expect the when you pay more, you should be getting more of everything. More bass, more mids, more treble. Well, turns out that’s impossible. In reality, it’s more like “pick two of the three,” or “bass, all the bass” if you’re some entry brands.

I’m a bit of bass head (even had sealed subs in my car when I was teenager), so I get it. But, after trying a whole lot of gear, I’ve recognized that Zach just gets it, and tunes for musical enjoyment first and foremost. This is why there’s such a cult following (aside from the handmade craftsmanship).

Sorry for the rambling. Again, not saying these experiences are directed solely at you. I just feel like this may help some folks who are new to the hobby, and maybe you also find it interesting. :slight_smile:


No this makes sense! I’ve been in the game only 2 years, starting with grado. Quickly moving to the Sundara, which changed the game. Went to Arya 2 and focal clear after that.

I’m recognizing that and know there is not one golden headset out there. That’s why I enjoy and hate this hobby, flooded with mixed reviews on YT, etc, but great advice here.

I’ll be sitting with both some more to narrow down my overall thoughts and decision.

I can for sure now tell these headphones are special. Thanks for the great advice!!


This is so true when what actually happens is that when you go up the tiers to the summit you get more of the things you want in specific models and ideally you should know by now what you like and dislike.
I’ve been part of this hobby for years but only recently (covid helped so about two years) got more high end gear and my first ZMF pair was the Atrium in the beginning of April. It’s now early May and I already have a VC as well. I totally get what Zach is trying to do with his offerings. I don’t think I’ll ever drop the planars completely but these totally changed my mind about dynamic drivers and closed backs


@zach915m Do you have an idea when the next LTD drop for the Verite C is?

I’m looking to pick up a closed back for the office, and I admire the tuning and technical performance that your headphones deliver, so I’m keen to pick one up, but with cooler looking cups. :slight_smile:

We are going to have a release of LTD in July, likely the 2nd week or so of the month. We will send out updates on our email list right after CanJam.


My old Audeze LCD-2’s went to service, then got informed that they will be refunded.

But then I got lucky; a Finnish distributer had a Halloween sale! Now I am a proud owner of a pair of Verite C LTD African Blackwood :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Verité open blackwood are my favorite ZMF headphones for my tube amps (DNA Stellaris) even above Atrium LTD koa. I have 2x (different locations) Verité closed (monkeypod, stabilized maple burl) for when I want to block out external sound, but I wondered if blackwood would go over the top in cup resonance for Verité closed. You aren’t complaining…


Nothing to complain about so far :slight_smile: It’s a bit early to tell but:

The detail and punch is so different from the LCD-2’s that I had earlier. Really liking the soundstage also. Just tried the BE2 lamb pads and I think I like those even more than the autour ones.


I thought the hardest woods would result in less overall decay (and thus resonance)?

My Blackwood VCs seem to be incredibly fast wrt transients – especially for a closed back.


I’m no expert, but stiffer cup material could have meant less damping of cup modes (think of a bell). But fortunately that wasn’t the case.

Yeah, but you still have a beautiful pair nonetheless. :slight_smile:

Zach has said in the past: All you really need to know with headphones is that a softer wood will have more decay and more sense of roundness to notes, and a harder wood which will be slightly more precise with harder edges to notes.


I’m looking for some cable suggestions for my VC.
I have the 2K Copper as well as the ZMF DIY Headphone cable using the Atmos S wire.

The 2K is rich and full but could use some more openness and detail.
The DIY Cable brings the detail & clarity, but looses the body and weight.

Anyone know of a cable that combines the best of both of these cables?

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Double Helix Molecule Elite or Clone Silver. Their annual Black Friday sale ends today. They can probably make a suggestion if you inquire.


Thanks, but there are 4 cable options. Which one did you recommend?

I’ve been happy with 4 strand silver.

I have the silver DHC Molecule Elite that @bpcarb mentioned and it’s the cable I use the most.

It’s very detailed, but I’d describe it as neutral, and doesn’t add or subtract anything IMO. So if you’re looking to keep the additional richness that the 2K adds to the sound, I’d imagine you’ll find the Molecule Elite doesn’t do that.

I would recommend emailing Arctic cables. Their selection of cables is a bit overwhelming, so I’d suggest telling them what kind of sound you’re looking for and how much you’re prepared to spend, as they’re normally very helpful at suggesting which of their cables meet your requirements. And they don’t have a Black Friday sale, so you won’t feel that you have to rush into a decision in order to get a bargain.

I’m actually emailing back and forth with them right now, trying to figure out my next cable purchase, which will be an upgrade to my Arctic Cuprum. The Cuprum (all OCC copper, like the 2K) has more detail and clarity than the stock ZMF cable, but given that it’s made from similar materials, it may sound the same as your 2K.

I’m only guessing here (because I have no copper & silver “fusion” cables) but you may want to look at cables that have both copper and silver wires (not silver plated copper) if you want richness and detail.


Just to add to more of your options, this is basically how I’d describe the danacable lazuli reference I use. If your budget allows it, it’s worth looking at as well (or you could wait for a used one to pop up). Though I personally wouldn’t pick it for a VC for my preference, but you may end up liking it a lot


I used to have that cable on my HE1000 v2.
Awesome cable with an awesomely high price.

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What pads do you use? I have a VO, not a VC, but when I wanted to add a bit more treble, I switched from Uni pads to BE2. A pad swap would be cheaper than new cables.


Universe pads.
Tried the BE2 pads and didn’t like them.
Didn’t like the Auter pads either.

Ordered the DHC Molecule Elite Headphone Cable 4 wire OCC silver.