So, here’s a couple of plots showing the relative level of Attentuation/Isolation for the regular (open) Vérité (with Universe pads). See here for details on these measurements.
Note that when reading these graphs, the higher the line/values, the less leakage is being exhibited. Or, perhaps more simply, the higher the line, the more suitable that headphone is for listening around others without disturbing them.
The first simply plots the Vérité against the HD650, which will serve as the “reference” comparator and the LCD-4 (per @pwjazz’s request; and noting they are the only Audeze headphone I have around - sincee I own them):
The ZMF Vérité definitely has less leakage than either of the other two open-back cans in this comparison. Though being realistic, music listened to at the “normal” reference point of about 80-85 db is going to be pretty easily audible to someone sitting within a meter of you. If you listen at 70 dB or below, you might get away with it.
Now, compare the two open cans here (HD650 and Vérité) to a couple of closed back headphones, the Focal Elegia and the MrSpeakers AFC and the difference becomes quite apparent:
With the AFC you could listen at “normal” levels (80-85 dB in my world) and not disturb anyone that wasn’t trying to snuggle up on you.