CanJam London 2023

Anyone else planning on going to Canjam London in a couple weeks?

I’ll be there! Come say hi if you see me, and post impressions/thoughts in this thread!


I’ll be there, looking forward to saying hi. What are you most interested about seeing and listing to?

Last year for me it was the DCS Luna (disappointing) and the Zahl (amazing).

I’ll be there all weekend too. This year it looks like mostly new/prototype IEMs for me to check out in addition to finally meeting people from China and Singapore I’ve been only talking to online.


I would love to make it but it falls right in the middle of my family vacation. For some reason my wife and 4 year old don’t want to spend two days vacation looking at headphones :smile:


I panic bought a Schiit Jotunheim when I bought my HD800S and I didn’t know what I was doing. It’s a pain to lug it around and you can’t tell with all the background noise, but I’d like to experience a load of new amps with them. Nothing wrong with the Schiit kit, but I bought the first thing I saw that I could afford when I thought the HD800S were hard to drive like Susvaras. Now I get the fun of choosing at leisure and maybe try a cheaper pair for travel/portable use.

Trying to engineer a customer meeting in London on Monday 21st August, as the return flights, back to Dublin on the Sunday are now in the hundreds.


So planned meetings didn’t happen and the flights to London for today got really ridiculous, so no CanJam for me :smiling_face_with_tear:

Anyway what was there, what was good/bad?

Awww sorry about that, maybe the best way to keep track is this thread: CanJam London 2023 Impressions Thread | Headphone Reviews and Discussion -