DUNU SA6 Review - A New $550 Benchmark IEM?

DUNU is an older Chi-Fi company from which I’ve reviewed a number of IEMs in the past. While most of said IEMs have failed to tickle my fancy, DUNU has firmly established themselves as one of my favorite brands - and for good reason. They are extremely receptive of feedback, and the level of transparency with which they conduct themselves is laudable. So when I received a sneak-peek of the SA6’s tuning, you can bet I was excited to see what they’d cooked up. It seems I wasn’t alone either; while the SA6 has by no means enjoyed “hype” status yet, it’s been steadily making rounds in the IEM community since its release. That in mind, read on to find out what DUNU’s first 6BA IEM brings to the table.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://headphones.com/blogs/reviews/dunu-sa6-review-a-new-550-benchmark-iem