I have had precious little time to listen to these since they arrived. Just a few (eight or so) hours on the first day. It’ll be another day or so before I can get back to them (and I’m more than a little anxious to) … but ahead of that … I can say that:
I don’t think anyone looking for a “reference” tuned IEM is going to be anything less than ecstatic with these. So far, I would say they’re the best all-around IEM I’ve heard, with superlative resolution, speed and texture, fantastic dynamics, natural and excellent timbre and reference tonality.
I bought them blind (standard pre-order, for the “Founders Edition”), something I rarely do, and nothing I’ve heard so far is making second guess that decision.
The dual W9+ dynamic bass drivers employed here yield a vastly better sub-bass/bass/mid-bass performance than the dual W9s in the Legend X. Bass here is MUCH better controlled, more nuanced, has superior articulation, is fully tuneful, and is presented at a natural, or perhaps very slightly boosted, level.
They’re as, or more, detailed than either my tia Fourté or the KS1500. Which puts them at the top of the detail pile for the IEMs I’ve spent enough time with to talk about.
Overall tonal balance and coherence is excellent.
Again, this is based on just 8 hours listening … so this may get revised a bit as I get more time with them.
Other thoughts:
They’re much smaller than I expected. The UM MEST are larger and my prior “reference” (EE Zeus XRA) were maybe TWICE the size.
The flare on the nozzles (helps with tip-retention) makes them feel bigger in the ear canal than some models, and I wound up using one-size-smaller tips than I usually do, but otherwise they were extremely comfortable.
No audible hiss at all driven from Cayin N8 (all outputs/modes), A&K SP2000 or RME ADI-2 Pro FS R BE. Ultra-low levels of hiss from the Chord Hugo 2 (only audible in a silent room, with no music playing, specifically listening for it and as someone that’s super-sensitive to hiss … for most scenarios it’ll be completely inaudible even with no music playing).
Super-impressed so far … and a MUCH more convincing flagship than the Legend X.