I actually entered into the headphone world because I had to. Until a few years ago, headphones were only a tool for me.
Here is the long version (or just skip to the TLDR at the bottom)…
I have always been a music lover, since a very early age when I would spend hours and hours a day doing through hundreds of cassettes that my parents had in a box (that also gave me a lot of love for 60’s and 70’s music). I remember the first Christmas (or maybe birthday) present that I went on an on about for months before I got it, it was a small “hifi” system with double cassette deck and turntable. I was either 4 or 5 at the time and it was the best present ever!!
Fast forwarding through the years, I had multiple “hifi” systems from the typical brands like Sony, Phillips etc. (anyone remember Aiwa?).
At 14 I started getting into rap, ended up joining a group and started performing on stage no too long after. I also started messing around helping set up small concerts and parties whenever possible. So I started to move away from typical home systems and more towards live sound systems, on the very cheap end of the scale. Learning how to set up a concert with a 0€ budget teaches you a lot about sound 
At 18 I was lucky enough to join a large AV install company and start actually making money from audio, while still performing as a side job. This allowed me to start spending money on audio equipment, but again, it was all invested in live sound gear. At some point I started playing bass as well, which gave me yet another thing to pour money into. I also invested in building a cheapish studio set up over the years together with a friend, another black hole.
Anyways, fast forward a few (ok, a bit more than a few) years until about 6 or 7 years ago when I moved from a countryside home, with no neighbours, to an apartment in town.
At the time, my “home stereo” was a 10.000w PA system, with a few 18" subs, a few 15" subs and some small line arrays. For some reason this didn’t fit well in the new apartment 
So, I made a small step down to studio monitors, having a spare bedroom dedicated to music, while still sharing a studio space with a friend.
Then came my second son (who is 16 years younger than my first), meaning I was relegated from spare room to corner of the living room. This meant another step smaller, from monitors to headphones.
My first time looking for headphones for listening to music, along with bass rehearsal and music production.
I was obviously in the typical Reddit camp: “I want great bass, great mids, great highs, excellent detail and comfort, for $25” 
After trying a few models, I settled on the M40x, which became the first headphone I had really used for extended periods of time since my days of the Discman. I actually ended up with at least 3 pairs of M40x in different places (work, home, studio space etc).
Then came the forum… 
After diving deeper into the headphone world, I found how easy it is to try out different sound signatures an performance levels without the need for a lot of space (and relatively low amounts of cash, at least in the areas I play in).
While I really enjoy headphones that I have found, I enjoy listening to new stuff just as much and also actually enjoy sitting down and writing my thoughts (although they don’t always make sense).
I am sort of in two different fields, one is finding the set up that I really enjoy (both at home and at work) but the other is trying out new stuff, even though most of it is a the ultra-budget level, and seeing how different brands address different issues.
I think this is a long long way of saying that the thing I love about the headphone world is that it is something you can enjoy without needing dedicated space and still have excellent sounding results.