I stumbled across this listing at Focal Utopia Open Back Headphones - The Music Room and thought one of y’all might appreciate it. I’m not sure if this is 100% the right place for a “good find” rather than something I’m selling personally, but thought I’d give it a shot.
Price: $2,199.00
Currency: USD
Ships to: The USA, I think, but you’d have to contact The Music Room directly.
See The Music Room’s posting at Focal Utopia Open Back Headphones - The Music Room for details. Please help my wallet out by buying this before I do!
Just my two cents here, but I would want better pictures of these. TMR specializes in used and trade in equipment. TMR is known to get top dollar for stuff. Says they are 9/10…which is a good price for that headphone.
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Yep! That’s why I thought I’d share this I live about a 20 minute drive from TMR and have only ever had good experiences with them (including yesterday, coinicdentally), so I trust their postings to be pretty accurate.
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Swear this site is going to make me go homeless, at least I will have nice headphones
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Looks like this has been sold!
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I wanted to purchase them but idk kind of felt skeptical with the used unit. I see some forum posts where there seems to be an issue with the left driver. Not sure if that is the older model which had this problem or why it was caused. I believe it comes with a 4 or 5 year warranty. So a lot of these people will get it repaired and sell it right away.
Not sure how true that is but enough to consider
Think I may just buy the Elear for kicks, hard to find but a good price
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They are back up again, something funky going on with those headphones. Someone probably bought it and returned them
Wonder what it may be
I think there’s a posting for a different pair (Focal Utopia Open Back Headphones (SOLD3) - The Music Room is the original post, but Focal Utopia Open Back Headphones - The Music Room is the new one). The first pair was 2yr old whereas this other pair is 4yr old, according to the post.
Just shocked to see two come for sale so fast. If it’s 4 years old it needs to be 1800
That’s why I thought it was the same one, same price.
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No worries! I was also surprised! I’m also pretty shocked to see a pair of Focal Radiance up on TMR so close to their release.
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Yea you never know, I just saw a pair of new Yamaha wireless anc headphones that dropped like less than 2 months ago for 350 for 229. Not that they are good, but it happens. Not on tmr
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