Used Deals Thread

I figured this might be a good thread to start. If you guys are anything like me, you probably check out the Head-Fi (and similar) for sale forums, even if you don’t need anything at the time. As individual threads are great for brand new deals, be it from or elsewhere, this might be a good place for any smokin’ deals you find on the used forums out there.

Places to check are below (and the subsidiaries, usaudiomart etc.) (the classifieds area)

And any local craigslist or Kijiji etc…listing you might find.

Please keep this thread for deals that are

B)Interesting finds

Basically, not just any old for sale post. Posts that make you go “whoa I wish I had the cash” or “whoa thats cheap!”

I hope this is ok @andrew and @taronlissimore If not, please just delete :slight_smile:

With that all being said, here are a couple to get us started.

$2000USD Utopia

And for anyone in Vancouver, another Utopia on craigslist (that I think might be related to this forum, somehow…:thinking: )


This is kind of neat. Not a deal per say, but just a cool piece of headphone history :slight_smile:

Freya +, good price for those willing and able to buy products located in Japan.

HD 600 + schiit magni 2 and modi 2
$620 dollars
any concern, ask as you please

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Don’t get tempted @TylersEclectic


This seller doesn’t have any feedback, but if the listing is real this is an absolute STEAL

M-Scaler for $2,500


It was sold per USAM. That was a great price. Personally, I would have asked a few questions on the device history.

No seller feedback, and seller was a member on USAM for around a week.

Posted in Modhouse Tungsten thread, but I know there’s a lot of pent up demand so:
It would be nice if someone here got these…