Headphone Cables/Builds w/ Pictures - DIY

No worries.

I don’t make non-modular cables at all anymore, sorry.

The RAD-0 connector was a PITA to deal with, as the insertion depth is unusually deep, and the port in the shell is too narrow for most high-end connectors. So, you either don’t get full engagement OR your connection is not supported by the cup and is just hanging off the electrical connection (which works, I just don’t like it)

I can’t really recommend other cables/manufacturers as I don’t use them and thus have no experience (beyond shows/meets) with them.

Also, note:

Most 3.5mm TRS connections, including HiFiMan, are, on the headphone end, wired with the sleeve being - and the tip being + for both channels.

The RAD-0 are wired differently.

They use the sleeve as -, but then use the tip for + on the left channel and the ring for + on the right channel.

This means that for your third-party cables to work with the RAD-0 at all, and also work with the HiFiMan headphones, they must be wired as sleeve as - and BOTH tip and ring as +.

In most cases, being wired with tip AND ring as + is fine. But in some cases it’s a problem. If you plugged that cable into, say, a Sony MDR-Z1R you’d get no sound, and for some other headphones potentially damage your amplifier.