Headphone Meetups in Phoenix, AZ

I’m trying to gauge interest in a monthly (or so) headphones meetup in the Phoenix, AZ area. Nothing formal just a way to have discussions and head-to-head comparisons of headphones and related equipment and software. Maybe we could do some local equipment tours. While I can just start a Facebook or Meetup.com group, I like the vibe of this forum so I’d prefer to start here.

Please reply to this topic if you are interested. It only takes a few people to get it off the ground.


You might want to get in touch with “Barra” on Head-Fi (and/or via Audio Tiers) for this sort of thing.

Super nice guy, got to spend some time with him when we both lived in WA (in fact he got me involved in my first in-person “Head-Fi” meet), and well worth chatting with about such things.


Thanks for the tip! Is he in the Phoenix area or are you referring to the fact that he organizes equipment tours?

Did you ever find any interest in a Phoenix meet?

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Nope. :frowning_face:

Although Head-Fi has some meetups in this area. There was one in September but I wasn’t really on the Head-Fi forum until a week ago.

Thanks for the update. I appreciate your getting back to me.

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Sure thing. DM me if you want to do a mini-meet.