JAZZ Thread/Group/Discussion

I am hoping that the JAZZ thread will be revived by a “leader” to get that going again. I like JAZZ and Classical Music and I am investing my time into the Classical Music thread/group/discussion. I can invest some time into the the JAZZ thread but two threads are a lot of work. There is already a JAZZ thread but the lack of involvement has made it virtually disappear. This thread should not be a new thread. Please look for the original JAZZ thread and let’s take it from there. LOOK AT THE LEFT OF YOUR SCREEN AND LOOK UNDER… ALL THINGS MUSIC.

Here’s a link to the thread - Jazz Music Discussion

My participation in these threads tends to correlate to my current listening focus. This was a good reminder to listen to some Jazz!

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I like to listen to a bit of jazz but I am very new to the genre. I am still trying to find what I like. Taste wise still searching.


Jazz is a broad category with many ways in. It can help to start with something close to what you know and like. What do you like?

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It sure is. I am listening through Spotify and like the Jazz at the Pawnshop album. There are a few playlists that are available on Spotify too, you know the kind of stuff, Evening Jazz that kind of thing. I like the Saxophone as an instrument and I also like the first piece that’s on Jazz at the Pawnshop I think it’s Limehouse Blues. I like the percussion type stuff as well.


I was curious what you like outside of Jazz?

Well I really like Acoustic music. Acoustic rock and having spent my teens in the early eighties I grew to love most Eighties music. My first love was the Madness. Not audiophile but fun. Omd, U2 the list goes on. I am also partial to a bit of country music, middle of the road easy listening stuff. I can listen to almost anything.

I like classical music but I find it difficult to really engage with. Though Itzhak Perlman I Love. He brings so much emotion into his playing. I think that I just need to find that spark with regards classical music. I like it but when i hear people discuss it I feel way out of my depth.


I’m sure most of us love the heavy hitters…or at least respect them if it’s a little to “free” for you but who here is a fan of The Bad Plus? Give me a like if you’ve watched this more than once…
The Bad Plus & Wendy Lewis

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Soooo… What is JAZZ to anyone on this thread???

And then we have to discuss sound engineering, speaker versus headphone listening etc etc and etc.

To all, this thread was a request to revive the "ALL THINGS MUSIC Discussion-JAZZ. Also,if you are interested please go back to ALL THINGS MUSIC-CLASSICAL MUSIC DISCUSSION

A creative way to NOT afford to send your children to college?

But speaking to recording engineers, it’s a tragedy so many incredible albums sound like they were recorded with dicks…Evidence A - Rudy’s underwater piano. I ended up owning a lot of Kevin Gray’s work re: the quality…but I’m strictly talking vinal : )

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Hi natemact…this specific thread that I posted was about prior original thread about Jazz and it’s under the main grouping of "ALL ABOUT MUSIC. Hope to see you there especially because I am interested in vinyl which,btw,I ave not listened to a vinyl record in many a year.

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prfallon…I am just touching base with everyone who responding to this specif thread. This thread was meant to be an invitation to all on Headphone Community about an earlier thread that was started about jazz,classical music and other music genres. Please look under the general category of “ALL ABOUT MUSIC” and you will see the different threads. Hope to see you there…Thanks,Frank

OK do me a favor and repost [quote=“frank_gyure2, post:9, topic:2013, full:true”]
Soooo…What is JAZZ to anyone on this thread???[/quote] for me over there would ya? LOL. So I can repost as well. Maybe start a discussion on recording quality and engineers of the 50’s and 60’s as a result…

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Thanks for the invite, I will look in try to participate.


Ok…if you look under “ALL THINGS MUSIC” you will see various threads. One of the threads is JAZZ. Jazz recordings go all the way back to the 1930’s/some 1920’s. If we like JAZZ… can we ignore Bessie Smith?

OK but all I said was please repost, “Soooo…What is JAZZ to anyone on this thread???” over there…finding it isn’t an issue : )

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great Question. let me think about it and I will get back to you/everyone ina couple of days. I hope others will jump in. The challenge is that we need to look at both the artistic value and the quality of the sound engineering listening through headphones or standard “free-standing” speaker systems.

I guess we will try to talk about “What is Jazz?”