So, my Raal SR1a adventure started with an experiment of “How low can I (and sr1a) go?”.
$3.5k headphones connected to sub-$200 dac-pre (Topping DX3 Pro) and $100-ish seemingly underpower (10Wpc Class-A; referred to as JLH henceforth) integrated amp. You might think I am insane. Maybe I am…
But my insanity was calculated. I hypothesized SR1a could be effectively as sensitive as high-efficiency floor standers such as Tekton Lore I am using: 98 dbSPL per 1W and 1m.
Aside: 98 dbSPL at 1m = 92 dbSPL at 2m
Suppose full 10W goes to Lore speaker, then at 2m, sound pressure would be 102 dBSPL.
Now, what will happen 10W applies to SR1a?
10W at 8 Ohm equals to 8.94V and 1.12A
Suppose this 1.12A the maximum current – actually it can handle more but let’s assume conservatively 
SR1a impedance is claimed as 0.018 ohm excluding cable. So, power delivered to ribbon unit would be 0.0224W or 22.4 mW.
SR1a sensitivity is 85 dbSPL per mW. With 22.4mW, sound pressure will be 98.5 dbSPL (less than SR1a’s power handling of 111 dbSPL)
So 98.5 dbSPL for SR1a Vs. 102 dbSPL for Lore (at 2m). Hmm 
Aside: For Lore, I am using stereo configuration (left and right), also there will be some gain due to reflections. So a few decibel should be added to 102 dBSPL.
As shown, despite conservative assumption, SR1a is not that different from efficient speakers. So, logically, if the amp is fine with my Lore speaker (it actually is), then it must drive sr1a similarly.
Above is the technical conjecture. Did that work as thought?
So far,
hell yes.
I tested with low dynamic-range track – which is easier to feel ‘average’ loudness. Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance is one of my favorite testing tracks: -0.01 db peak, -6.7 db rms (root mean square; ‘on average’ in a layman’s term), DR5 according to EBU R128 loudness weighting.
I found myself happy enough with -22~-24 db of pre-gain during the whole track (including the loudest part), which correspond to 50-80 mW of amp’s power output. That’s within the ‘comfort zone’! (see below)

So at this point, my experience contradicts what Alex argues (100Wpc is a must) and I am starting to think it is not (rated) power that matters.
Do I mean higher amps unnecessary? Of course NOT.
I am hypothesizing that SR1a is revealing, resolving, and scaling enough to tell us what an amp can do and can’t. This headphone seems to tell me strengths (clear, neutral, and good staging) and weaknesses (rolled off low ends, mid-forwarding, micro-details not at the level of top performers) more evidently than my speakers and some of higher speakers I hooked up with before.
Tomorrow I am planning to test Vidar. Many (or nearly most) of shortcomings of JLH are technically addressed in modern amplifier designs (e.g., no capacitor in signal path), . For this reason, I am looking forward to a meaningful improvement in quality with Vidar (tomorrow) and Aegir (scheduled later this summer). What changed was that I was originally looking at only high powers but now considering sub-100W options as testing targets too.
PS. Check this out for in-depth technical details and explanations of JLH amp and its design. Very educational read. Highly recommended.