Welcome @Zhanming057, nice to see you here!
I will say that, while we’ve never chatted, it was primarily the posts you’ve made (elsewhere) about the SR1a, combined with the lovely photography, that re-spiked my interest in the SR1a enough (after CanJam @ RMAF 2018) to actually follow-up on them.
This was the amplifier I tried to get instead of the Parasound for an entry-level test - but there was no way to do it without buying it - and I had no intention of keeping it (which isn’t fair to the manufacturer), so, sadly, it won’t be something I am actually going to test with.
But on the subject of driving the SR1a without compromises … they are, like any transducer, at the mercy of what’s fed them. And being so transparent, fast and resolving, they’re extremely revealing of differences and characteristics in both amplification and source.
I would, at this point, say a single Vidar is a very solid entry-point, and that the combination keeps the SR1a ahead of most other conventional headphones even when they are driven from much high-end headphone amplifiers (relative to the Vidar and were it sits compared to other speaker amps).
Comparing RME ADI-2 DAC → Parasound → SR1a and RME ADI-2 DAC → Vidar → SR1a it is clear that the Vidar is more resolving, has more low-end grip, and a more refined delivery.
Sticking with the Vidar and driving it via DAVE, the Vidar → SR1a combination still makes it easy to hear differences in the source. Though it’s clear that Vidar is not quite as transparent as is really needed to get the full DAVE experience with the SR1a. Still, DAVE → Vidar was still a clear step beyond RME → Vidar. AND adding in the M-Scaler (with either DAC) was also discernible even with just a single Vidar driving the SR1a.
This is a long winded way of saying that I would take the Vidar → SR1a combination over, say, the Phonitor X → Utopia. That’s how good it starts off …