Schiit Audio - Official Thread

Anyone here running the new Yggdrasil LIM? I picked one up in September and am really just starting to get to know it. I went from a BF2 to the 2541 to the LIM. It’s like a super-duper 2541: clean, slamming, detailed and it images, on the 2CH system, like crazy (!!). It is just a touch on the dark side. Overall the tone is very neutral, though, which suits me well.

Where it really excels is in tone and texture. I have never heard better piano, sax, drum-tones out of a DAC. It also renders a lot of room cues, trailing reverb, breath - the extra-musical information - giving recordings a really vital feeling.

I’ve not been here much in the past few months, but I thought I would check-in and see if anyone else is working with one of these or the MIL. I am curious about how the MIL and LIM compare.




Not really, still 6 bands… and no 4kHz band for me :frowning:

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I have been waiting for this! I have been checking their site and searching Head-fi news nearly everyday for a while now. I was hoping for a price more like $1k, but I will still give it a test. I actually think the selected bands are perfect. I don’t need (I have an RME ADI-2 DAC FS V2), but I definitely WANT!.

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Bands: 20Hz, 120Hz, 400Hz, 2kHz, 6kHz, 16kHz

I doubt these choices will satisfy everyone. Based on my own hearing, 12kHz would have been the best choice for a high shelf for me. Who knows, maybe 16kHz does what I want anyway.

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Cool indeed! Now I just need an Yggy to stack it on top of :laughing:


What are your impressions of the Lokius now that you’ve had it for a few months now?

Yeah, not sure how useful the 16kHz band would be, some of us won’t even hear up to that frequency. Would be nice if it were something like 2kHz, 4kHz, 6kHz, and 10kHz.

The new miniDSP Flex seems like the way to go for me - comes in three versions, I’ll likely get the “Digital version”, all versions support parametric equalization via plugins.


That thing seems pretty intense. The software looks friendly enough.

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I feel like it’s a solid option for a chain that doesn’t have a digital component (i.e. turntable>phono pre>loki max>amp), but I agree it seems like there are more full featured digital options readily available for the typical digital source chain.

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Actually supports analog inputs, but let’s not derail this Schiit thread. I’ve created a separate thread for the miniDSP Flex (didn’t find any existing miniDSP threads):


My dear Watson! Does the web address for the Jotunheim model reveal something?
Perhaps a model 3 is on the horizon?
Jason does like to mess with people.
No Schiit Sherlock.


Nice catch Holmes. :popcorn:

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Unfortunately, I just found on Reddit that they have been using the number 3 ever since the Jotunheim 2 came out. Oh well, if we wait long enough, Schiit will eventually come out with a 3.

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It may have been done to avoid confusion with the Lyr 3. It’d be easy for someone to swap generation numbers and be frustrated: search for Jot 3, Lyr 2 or Jot 3, Lyr 3 instead of Jot 2, Lyr 3.

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Jot 2 came out just over a year ago. It seems unlikely that it would be replaced anytime soon


Out of curiosity, anyone running a Lokius between their preamp and amp? Was thinking I might like to place it between my DAC+ and Amp+ (Mytek) and wanted to see if anyone had experience.

I sometimes run the original Loki in this fashion:

MacBook Pro → USB → Bifrost 2 → Loki → RCA switch box (minimal “preamp”) → various, changing amps

I can also skip the complexity after the BF2 by running the XLR out to an amp.

I’d not use such a complex chain for absolute judgements or reviews, but I don’t write many reviews or care about absolutes with everyday listening. The Loki has no audible impact for me.


It’s a line-level device so it can go anywhere after the dac and before the amp.


I have the Lokius. My setup is Bifrost2->Lokius-> Switch box ( XLR 1 in-3 out) → Violectric V280/ Monoprice 887/ Xduuo TA-20

I like the Lokius. Works good for me….just a little tweak here and there is all I need. Does what it’s meant to and I haven’t noticed any negative effects from it.