Schiit Jotunheim "R" - Direct Drive RAAL-SR1a Amplifier - Official Thread


Don’t have anything more specific than that.


One thing I have not seen mentioned or referred to with regards to the “R” in impressions of those who have had a chance to audition it; does it generate much heat?

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I talked about it in this post.

But no, it doesn’t put out much heat. The overall temperature of the chassis, after an hour or so of spirited listening was at 93℉ (vs. ambient room temperature of 70℉), with a hotspot over the vents of 102℉.

That’s ten degrees lower than twin Vidar, and twenty degrees lower than a single Vidar, for the same material and listening level.

Of course temperature is not the same thing as heat, and while the Jotunheim R is warm to the touch in operation its actual thermal output is significantly lower than single or dual Vidar, and unless you put your hand on it you won’t be aware of it putting out any heat.


Good to know, my 2 racks are getting cramped and I’m at the point of using a shoe horn to squeeze new stuff in. Fortunately this is a smaller Schiit footprint product.

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Any updates on possible release of the R?

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As of a quick exchange with Jason on Thursday, barring any unforeseen issues they should still be shipping this month.


Thanks for the update!

Thanks, I’m ready to purchase day 1.

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Any chance Schiit would be willing to bring one to Canjam NYC?

Asking for myself and a few friends :slight_smile:


For those that may not have seen this on Head-Fi, Jason said;

“Jotunheim R first articles just came in, plus lots of new dev work, plus new chapters for Jot R and end of year wrap-up. Jot R looks good, but the caps they supplied are too tall, so we had to order different ones. Still, we may be able to ship by the end of the month.”


I tried out the Jot R the other day at the headphones meetup and it looks like a nice smaller and more affordable solution for the sr1a. I don’t own the raal but have had a chance to listen to them a few times now and really like it a lot. The Jot R wasn’t running hot at all which surprised me.


There is no going back… I love having this on my desk!


Did the R come out because I can’t find it and it’s close to February?

Not yet.

Likely this month, though.

We’re only a third of the way through January though … which is closer to December than it is February …


okay, I thought it came out.

I’m so ready for it… I can’t go back after the R!!!


While waiting for the release of “R”;

I’m looking for some input from those that may have some experience with both Vidar and Aegir.

I’m currently using Ragnarok 1 with the interface to drive my SR1a in my living room and in all aspects it does a great job with my music and listening habits. I also use the Ragnarok 1 as my SS option for driving my 2 channel system when the spirit moves me to want a change of pace from my tube integrated EVO400. (The change over from one unit to the other takes a few minutes with my Bi-wired SonusFabers (4 ohms nominal, 87db at 2.83v at 1m) with SpeakOn High Level cables driving a pair of REL Ti5’s, so I don’t do it often.)

I have a buyer for my Ragnarok 1 and when “R” does finally arrives it goes upstairs in my HP’s only rig. I could buy a second “R” for the living room for both music listening and use with my home theater but lose my SS option for driving 2 channel. I am mightily tempted to go with a Freya+ and either Vidar, or even more so, a pair of Aegirs to drive my 2 channel and the interface so I can use SR1a in either rig. Tie in to the home theater becomes problematic but maybe down the road I can pick up another “R” new, or used, or B-stock which would solve that.

The Ragnarok 1 (or 2) I estimate can put about 80 watts into the interface’s 6 ohm load. The EVO400 with KT88’s puts out about 72 watts per channel in ultralinear mode and does a nice job with the SR1a as well but I suspect KT120’s or KT150’s might perform better. The mono Aegirs would be 80 watts or so and should still be fine with SR1a (and SonusFabers) at the levels I listen at, and a single Vidar would obviously deliver all the power I need for use with my 2 channel or SR1a. And I could always take the easy way out and replace the Ragnarok 1 with a 2 as it a known performer. But the lure of “Class-A-Like” is strong with me, LOL.

As a primarily classical music listener and symphonic music at that, what I don’t care for is any amplification with an elevated sounding or forward projecting midrange or a narrow soundstage, it only makes the balances worse than they often are per my ears.

While I‘ve read about all the reviews and impressions I could find, still, any thoughts from this group would be appreciated.


FLTWS, off topic but how is the evo 400 in your main rig? Is it really competitive with arc?

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Welcome to our group dbarger.

By arc do you mean Audio Research Corp? The last ARC gear I owned was an SP3a1 and Dual 75B and they were supremely musical but that was 20 plus years ago. I haven’t listened to the current offerings and the price tags are daunting for my wallet.

The 400 has everything I’ve ever lusted for in a tube integrated amp. I can’t even think of a feature that could be added. No constant tinkering / monitoring like with many tube amps of old. Straight forward and simple, change tubes and don’t worry about matching, watching bias, wondering if a tube has a problem. It has a very nice sounding SE HP output as well.

It has all the good stuff, point to point wiring, tube drivers and power tubes run very conservatively, quality pieces parts, a substantial piece of gear. This is for certain my end-game tube amp, the fact that it is integrated is also a plus for me.

It has all those tube like sound qualities I value. I also think it is reasonably priced for the build quality. The only reason I would have wanted a separate preamp and amp is weight, LOL. This puppy is 75 lbs. Two 40 pound blocks would be a heck of lot easier for me to manage.

I do believe hearing it with the speakers of your choice in person 2 or 3 times is important and I was lucky to have a dealer about a 45 minute drive so I was able to do just that.

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Hi and welcome @dbarger.