Smsl sp200

no, however something similar - if the stack is comparabale with the RME ADI 2 DAC fs gen2 and the THX AAA 789

I swear my ears don´t bleed yet and I actually do enjoy music on it for hours with some emotions and goosebumbs here and there. Don´t tell anybody :wink: else

My recommendation:
Skip the D90, sell the SP200(as long the volume wheel works) and
get the RME ADI 2 as standalone, if you don´t need the Bluettoth connection the D90 is supporting - instead you get a very usable IEM headphone out,
the best haptics in town and a like a novel written manual.
You dont have to use all the functions and if so, it makes fun for people like you and me, who like toys, playing around in menues …

Do you have anything harder to drive over the 6xx and the DCA AOC2 ?


The ZMF Aeolus when it arrives. Hmmmm not a bad idea, I would probably want to pick up an open box one or gently used vs. full price brand new if I did that. Then I have to go through the whole sales process…ugh hahah

you see - not harder to drive :wink:

for the sales process - best luck. It´s the least fun part.

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Definitely, I need to give it all some thought

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If anyone is interested in this AMP or knows someone, I might be selling it and going all tube hybrid as that is my preferred sound signature at the moment. This could change if I discover the DAC in my chain was the bigger issue and I have better quality sound after introducing the D90, then I may keep the little THX.

EDIT: need more time to confirm but the D90’s presentation vs the SMSL-SU8V2 has made this amp more enjoyable and less fatiguing to listen to. I will do more listening more this next week to confirm but I may end up keeping this little amp after all if my initial impressions with it paired with the D90 are correct.


Interesting comparison of three of the THX amps.


New stack with the D90 and the Sp200 THX, so far a great sounding match and not too bad of a pyramid stack.


@MRHifiReviews, Are you drowning in the sea of new toys? :rofl: Imagine when the aeolus arrived with 2 or 3 different pads on top of everything else. Self indulgence at its finest :laughing:

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Hahah @Audio_Prom I haven’t got them yet! Definitely looking forward to them. They will round off my collection of audio gear for the year. Other than maybe a tube or two to roll for the LYR I am holding off on anything new for awhile, so I can save up for a better desktop amp and maybe ZMF Verite Open (If I enjoy the Aeolus) or Hifiman Arya, unless I sell something or trade something that is! I am very happy with my stable of gear at this point!! :smiley: the D90 really helped the listening experience with the SP200 I am glad they let me exchange out my SU8 for it!


I’m lil bit surprised you went for the Aeolus route first. I’m guessing you’re looking for a certain type of sound that match the description of Aelous. Another concern i had when I was comparing the two is the weight. I’m not one who can deal with comfort issue so I just have to deal with the additional cost. I’m looking forward to your impression of it. I read so many good things about it.

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I couldn’t find one person that didn’t enjoy the Aeolus so I figured it was worth a shot! If it’s as good as others say it is I might part with one of my other headphones. I guess time will tell. Did you try it with the SP200THX amp?

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I dont have any thx based amp. I’ve been testing hd6xx and ananda on Bifrost 2 and LYR 3 only so far. I’ll start with VO tonight. Probably with Universal pad first then Verite and BE2 after. If Im not happy with the result, I’ll test it with my SS amp (Burson Play) and spend more time but hopefully I don’t have to do that :joy:


I’ll be running D90 an SP200 here shortly my self! Curious to see how it sounds


I am actually probably going to keep the little THX amp. I probably should have at least one neutral amp in my collection to test headphones with, and it pairs really well with the Aeons and Aeolus.


I am also going to keep my THX AAA 789, as it now doesn´t make sense to sell it with a new msrp of 299

hey and it pairs well with the RME ADI 2 DAC and the 6xx

in this budget, it does not hurt and it is really nice to have a few different amps for different DACs and headphones