The On-Topic, OFF-TOPIC Thread

The last several years taught me that the Baby Boomers should have all retired 10+ years ago. Both in politics and business. That generation started with a bang and may end the world with a bang.

Call it what you will, the youngsters are pushing their way into control (left wing, right wing, 4chan, performance art, dada, anarchists, etc.). The older generation is running on memories and fumes from the Media Network Era. They don’t realize that the changes are already baked in, and the new way of life has been firming up for 20 years.


Come gather round people, wherever you roam, and admit that the water have something, something something.

Sigh. And so the cycle continues. I do hope I’ll know when it’s my time to get out the way, it’s very possible I won’t.


I actually cannot wait to retire but have a little over a decade to go. I’m in between the boomers and the millennials, sitting on the sidelines watching the wheels go round and round…I really love to watch them roll…

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I think many of us are between these generations. The problem is that the huge Boomer generation spoke loudly in one Network voice and drowned out Generation X (which is why it’s known as Gen X and why ‘alternative’ music came into being…we don’t all want the Stones and the Beatles 24-7…).

Years ago I read a critique where the author noted that Gen X is the only generation to spend their lives split between the old analog era and the new computer digital era. As such, they have the perspective that others lack. The Millennials are products of the Internet era and would likely collapse in horror over having 3 TV networks, paper roadmaps, pay phones, and mailing checks to pay their bills.

Gen X is perfectly positioned to lead society today, but must not sit on the sidelines.


I retired in 2010 after 37 1/2 years at 57. I’m more busy now than I was in cooperate America :rofl:

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I meant no offense. I fear that those who cling to power (i.e., political and business leadership) tend to lose perspective.

This is not an isolated concern:

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No problem. Some people just feel that they can do more good even if the actually do more harm.LOL. Not to get political here , but we need term limits in all facets of business, unless you own your own.


I wanna be sedated…


That MQA is still a thing is kind of depressing.

On a happy note, Roon 1.8 looks interesting.


Happy Cake Day @perogie!


Yes, one year of wandering around with you folks.



Happy cake day! :tada: :beers:


It does look interesting, but… Right as I felt I reached a high level of competency with the current interface, they redesigned the whole thing. LOL



I know. It’s odd that such a redesign is only 1.8 and not simply 2.0.

I’m not deep into Roon even though I like it as it doesn’t interface with my main streaming service yet so we’ll see how I adjust. The aesthetic appears to be a bit more pastoral. Maybe they’re trying to capture or maintain an older customer base that they think this may appeal to. I doubt a lot of youngins are interested in paying for Roon.

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Thank you, my friend.

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Happy cake day @perogie ! I always enjoy reading your posts, and have learned a lot from our chats about Classical music.


Thanks. We should get back to the classical thread more often. I’ve come across some albums I’m considering sharing but haven’t had the chance to listen to them as much as I would like before doing so.


happy cake day @perogie

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Thank you, Martin. It’s been a fun time.

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